Tuesday, February 2, 2021

January Reflections




January started off with a different feel to it. I was wondering what 2021 would bring us. It was just under a week and we found out.


I spent some time planning further about my blog entries. I thought my NEO, portable word processor quit on me. I still have not got that figured out yet. I will have to experiment with it. I tried the “dictate” feature of my word processor on my laptop. It does not recognize certain phrases. My NEO straightened itself out; maybe it was something I did to cause the original issue.


I had some personal maintenance I had to take care of. I saw my audiologist and had a hearing test. I will be receiving my new hearing aids in early February. I had to have lab work done ahead of my Wellness Visit with my primary care doctor. One week later, I had that appointment. I learned a lot during that visit. I came away with paperwork for two more tests. I am scheduled for those tests this week.


She, my doctor, took a lot of time with me. I had three questions I wanted to ask her and explain my feelings about what I thought about certain issues I faced.


I had a goal of reading at least 12 books this year. As of this initial writing, I have finished Fervent by Priscilla Shirer. I may want to re-read this at least once a year. Also, reread one called, God, I don’t Understand. I presently am reading three devotional books each day. My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers, Daily Guideposts 2021 by Guideposts, Mornings with Jesus also by Guideposts. Reading them helps me with the COVID issues of sadness.


I was able to get appointments for us for our COVID vaccines. This first week of February is terribly busy for us. More on that later. We had a weekend of what the weathermen call, “Winter Mix”, this was in three waves, Snow, Rain, and More Snow.



  1. I don't know what a NEO is. But I hope you got it figured out. I like your book list. I hope you get your vaccines okay and that they will do the job. We haven't had ours yet, but are hoping our Dr. will have them soon...he said he would let us know when. Hope this month will be a good one for you. It sure has started out cold for everyone!! And yet we have blossoms on the wild plum trees! So Spring is coming...and that gives us hope, even if the groundhog did say it will be 6 weeks away! Have a blessed day.

    1. Pam: Up here, doctors aren't giving the vaccinations. The Education Area of our hospital, the county Board of Health were the only ones giving them in our county until our Kroger affiliate's pharmacies are now authorized. Have you talked to your doctor's office about getting that vaccination? A NEO is a portable word processor. It was made by a company called, ALPHA SMART. Jim thought I could use a new one about two years ago. The company has stopped making them.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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