Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Showing God’s Love, Part B





Let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth. 1 John 3:18 (NIV)     


Doing a Tangible Deed


I first heard this scripture in the late 1960s. I am not sure of the translation, but the text was: “Put love into deeds and make it real.”


John brings to the forefront the idea of being real with our love. We Christian believers must live up to this command especially during the time of this pandemic.


How can we show God’s love in this time of COVID, you may ask?


We can either call, text, or electronically contact some of those we care about. We must check on those who have health issues.


When I was facing surgery, friends sent me cards. I appreciated them. I sat them on top of a bookcase in the living room where I could see them every day.


My best friend, with the assistance of another friend and me, created a fruit basket for another friend from church who lost her husband after a lengthy illness. (She loved it.)


We can support those who have lost spouses, children, parents, or siblings. I saw this first-hand several years ago when a man in our church had passed away. The parents-in-law of two of his children came to the celebration of life held for him. I knew both couples. Their action impressed me.



  1. I love the good ideas you shared about showing love to others, even during this time of isolation. I am trying to do better. I have a lot of good intentions that somehow get put aside in the rush of other stuff, and I need to be more disciplined to make those phone calls, send those cards, and reach out whenever I can. Thank you for this reminder.

    1. Pam; How are you doing with this strange weather? God honors each tiny thing we can do to lighten another's load. Just this afternoon, I heard of several people having tremendous needs. The weather is causing havoc for a friend from high school. She lives in Texas. A lady who used to go to our church had major surgery today. A young woman gave birth to little girl this morning but the baby went to heaven. One of our great nieces is in the hospital. Both her children are concerned and asked for prayer. They live in Oklahoma. Please pray for these needs.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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