Friday, February 12, 2021

Showing God’s Love, Part C


Warner Sallman


I was ill, and you visited me. Mathew 25:36 (NIV)


Visiting Shut-ins and Ill.


Right now, this is not feasible due to the COVID restrictions. Every year during the winter, what we have come to call “Flu Season”, our local hospitals are closed to visitors under the age of 18. Several of us over that age chose not to take the risk of either taking something in or contracting something. However, a telephone call can give the ailing person a lift.

We have a group in our church who are called “Shepherds.” Each person who volunteered to act in this group received a list of names of church attendees who might need a call every so often just to see how they are doing in this time of COVID. I volunteered for this group. I reach most of them by texting.

One of the women on my list lives with a niece. The woman has problems speaking. I adopted the niece. Her mother went through some severe health issues in 2020. The mother recently went to heaven.

I recently called one woman on my shepherd list. She lives in another town in our county. A friend answered the phone. My friend was not sounding normal. I found out the next evening that my friend had suffered at least one stroke. I texted our pastor and his wife with the information. The next day, I called the church office to be certain that the secretary on duty was aware of our friend’s need.

Since the first of December, three of the people my visitation partner and I used to visit have gone to be with Jesus. The last one, just the end of January.  I miss them but I know they are in a better place than they were down here. 



  1. Oh my goodness what a vital ministry you volunteered for! And adopting children goes above and beyond!

    Our church has a ministry called Telecare. Four women meet once a week and over the course of a few months they call every member of our congregation. When they've called everyone, they start again at the beginning. They share prayer needs with the pastoral staff and help is sent out as needed.

    God bless and fill you as you pour out to others.

    1. Cindy: Thank you for your response. I must clarify something. When I said I adopted that niece, I meant figuratively. I text her, I ask about how both of them are doing. The niece is in her early 50s.

  2. This is a wonderful and much needed ministry especially during this time of isolation. So many people are very lonely, and phone call means so much to them. I need to do more of that myself. I just get busy and forget. Your post is helping to remind me that this is so needed and I need to quit putting it off. Thank you.

    1. Pam, Yes, some people are very lonely. Several of those I contact, I do so by texting. Because of our pastor reaching out to the congregation almost every day with a short lesson, one of our male members has returned to the church. His stepmother passed away a few months ago and he has said he will be bringing his dad with him when we can have in-person services. The church has opened up again, but I have not gone back yet.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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