Tuesday, May 4, 2021

April Reflections



April was an unusual month for us.


Jim bought me a bouquet of yellow tulips and a potted Easter lily plant. The lily was in a nice planter. We kept the planter, and I am planning on doing a silk arrangement for our front porch’s sitting area. A close friend gave me a table runner for my coffee table. It is reversible. On one side it has a bunny rabbit on each end, it is linen. the other side is plain.

                                                            Here are the tulips.


                                                               Here is the Easter Lily.



Easter Sunday was special. Last year, our church was closed due to COVID-19. This year, the church had Sunrise service, an early Easter breakfast, the regular first service, a second Easter breakfast, followed by the main service. The committee for the breakfasts outdid themselves. The tables were covered with real cloth table coverings. Each place had a real napkin. They brought out the real dishes rather than foam plates and they served us as we went past the food tables. I believe they set a precedent.


 Surgery and its Aftermath

The surgery seemed to go well. The only thing I had to point out to them was their television system did not have closed captioning. (I have used that feature for twenty years.)


After the day of my surgery, we had over a week and a half of getting ready for and going through treatment. During the time between surgery and treatment, Jim had to change the dressing on four different days until treatment started. Treatment went well. Our state had a late April snowstorm on Tuesday of the week of treatment. The snow caused a power failure at the cancer center. The power failure caused a machine they used on me to not function right. I had two days of treatments involving another machine. The broken one got fixed as my session wound down on Thursday. On Friday, I was back on the regular machine.


During April, I found myself baking some snacks for myself. I did share them with Jim but not very many. (LOL) I also felt led to make a floral arrangement for our coffee table.


God has been good to us.    

This is the top I had to wear each day to my radiation treatment. It has no fasteners on the back. Some of my local friends jokingly suggested I could wear it to church.  What do you think?


I did get some writing done during my time of being off. Now I have to finish getting our house presentable. Our son is coming home this weekend for Mother's Day.



  1. I love the yellow tulips and the Easter lily is beautiful! I am glad everything went well for you. We have no real church services yet, mostly zoom meetings and here and there 30 people in a building. Pretty sad, all of it. I like that top :)

  2. Marja: Thank you for your warm comments. Our church attendance figures are down at the moment. We understand that some of our people are not comfortable being in crowds. One man has been told by his doctor NOT to be around crowds. We haven't seen him since this whole pandemic started.

    Our pastor has his sermons posted to You Tube for those who can't be in attendance. For just over a year, he put out a message via the church'sphone system most days to encourage us and to give us a bit of God's Word.

  3. I am so happy you are back to a more "normal" routine now...and that you came through your surgery and treatments well. Praying that will be all you need. I like your top, and I think you could definitely wear that to church. Love the flowers too. So happy for you to be 'back'!

    1. Pam: Thank you for welcoming me back. I still have some twinges from the surgery and the device they used during treatment. I got out and did some shopping today. Slowly getting back to "normal". Peace and blessings to you.

  4. Welome back and so glad to hear that everything went well and you were well taken care of! Beautiful flowers and sense of new life in your post!! Blessings and Love ! Happy Mothers Day!❤️

    1. Shayndel: Thank you for the welcome back. Thank you for the Mother's Day wish. My grandmother either worked in or managed a flower shop in Florida when my mother was young.I guess I got my love of flowers from her. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  5. Yes, i agree the blouse is very nice and looks lovely on you with a nice detail with the tie in front!! Agreeing with Pamela`s prayer for continued healing and provision. Blessings and Love and Shalom!

    1. Thank you for the nice comment about the top. It was designed to be a wrap around cover. The technicians were able to get to my side and administer the radiation because of the easily opened back.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

Thou Shalt Not Murder

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