Friday, May 21, 2021

The Gift of Wisdom 

Dear Blogging Friends: I have been dealing with taking a new med that seems to have given me several side effects. Hence, my absence from here for a good week or more. I appreciate your prayers that I am able to get through this issue as I am supposed to take this med for a lengthy period of time. Thank you, in advance.

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial, and sincere.

                                                                                                             James 3:17 (NIV)

                We hear a lot about wisdom and about knowledge. I once heard that knowledge                               is what we know but wisdom is how we apply that knowledge.

James tells us that wisdom loves peace. Sometimes, we must let God’s wisdom guide us through difficult circumstances. These can be some personal issues or the circumstances a friend has.

He further tells us that wisdom is considerate. We have times when we must put ourselves in another’s shoes before we decide how to respond to a situation.

When we seek God’s wisdom, we must submit to His Will and His direction. Even though doing that goes against our humanity.

When we exercise our gift of mercy, we must be able to extend our hands in times of another’s need.

In exercising this gift of wisdom, it is important to remember not to ‘take sides’ in an issue. And we must be sincere about our words, thoughts, and deeds.

                A lady from church was terribly sick last month. I called her to check on her one time during her illness (COVID)  and decided not to bother her again. When she tried to talk, she got to coughing so hard that she really could not talk. I chose to pray for her as I could. She called me when she got to feeling a lot better. I shared with her why I had not checked on her more than one time. She understood.

                One of my cousins called me this afternoon, she had COVID back in November. In our conversation, she said something about her emphysema worsening. She then told me it was from the COVID. She had the original COVID six months ago.  We are both learning about using wisdom considering our individual health circumstances.


  1. Thank you for sharing. Wisdom that comes from heaven,is certainly something we should always be praying for! Like King Solomon who was so `wise` already to ask a prayer for wisdom!!
    Prayers also for your health and treatment and that the LORD will lead you to all the right treatments and He will heal you from of all the side effects and renew your strength that you will soar up with wings as eagles, run and not grow weary, walk and not be faint. Praying this from Isaiah 40:31. Blessings and Peace, shalom to every cell and functioning to your body and His peace to your heart that goes beyond all understanding. In Yeshua, Jesus.❤️

    1. Thank you for your ministerring heart, Shayndel.

  2. I'm sorry I've been a bit awol too. I am sorry you are having meds issues. I hope by now they are getting better. I totally understand as I have had similar issues recently, along with neck/shoulder pain issues. I hope you are having a happy/blessed/relaxing Memorial Day weekend. I will try to get better and reading and catching up with everyone.

    1. Pam: I understand. We all have our times of being down. My best friend has had issues with her vision for sometime. This past week, she had to make two trips to Indy to see an eye specialist. The first one was a scheduled appointment. The next day, she had to go again because of something she experienced. Peace and blessings.


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