Friday, June 4, 2021

Jesus, the Greatest Gift



For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him would have everlasting life. John 3:16 (KJV)




(Please note I quote this verse in King James Version because that is the way I learned it.)


What does this verse say to us?


 For God so loved the world,  


            God’s motive was and still is love.

            He loves the world because He created it.


He gave


            Our heavenly Father chose to give us an incredibly special gift- His Son—Jesus. He did not scold us, His children, nor did he punish us.  


 his only begotten son            

            God gave us an incredibly special gift. He gave us a part of Himself. He shared His only Son with us—His children.


that whosoever believeth in Him


                God did this for anyone who would believe in Him. That tells us there is no time requirement, people who trusted in God when Jesus walked this earth and people who walk this planet today all are recipients of His love.


 would have everlasting life.

Everlasting life is a reward given to us by our Lord. He gives it to each of us for standing for Him, obeying Him, and living for Him in all we do. We receive everlasting life when we are taken home to live with Jesus.



  1. My favorite verse, and yes, I remember it best in the old KJV as well. Some things ought not to be tampered with! Wonderful analysis and explanation of this all important verse. Thank you for being a teacher friend. God bless you today dear Cecelia.

    1. Pam: You are so right. Some things ought not be tampered with. Thank you for your very complimentary thoughts. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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