Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Called to Be Free


You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge in the sinful nature; rather serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13


Paul, in writing to the Galatian believers, cautioned them to use their freedom to serve one another in love. In today’s world, we see people doing certain acts because they believe they can or are entitled to do those things.


Paul tells us that we are not to do anything sinful but to remember that we are serving God as well as those around us. Sometimes, we forget this.


We have the freedom to approach God’s throne with anything that befalls us, health issues, financial stresses, relational issues, or job-related stresses. Yes, we may forget this as well.


Whatever plagues us, we have the freedom to talk to Jesus about it. He invites us to turn those things over to Him.


We should remember to thank Him for all He does for us and give Him praise for those deeds. The deeds God does for us can be simple actions that we might not think about.

I had to go out to our car and “fix” the radio for my husband. He is not attuned to electronics. Some of the devices are beyond me. When he told me, I was less than excited about doing it. All I had to do was start the engine and then press on the knob marked “radio” and it came back on with the special connection we have on it. I believe that God heard my initial reaction and chose to help me through this circumstance.


  1. AMEN! It is good to give thanks to the LORD for all things, and in all the small details He will be there when we turn to Him. I like your use of words in the post like `attuned` and even caught a few of those word plays and like the pic with Yeshua calling the disciples to be fishers of men.Blessings and Peace be with you!

    1. Shayndel: It is always nice to hear from you. Thank you for your kind thoughts. We hae so much to learn of how God works in our daily lives. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Small thing, big things, He is always ready to help us in our daily lives, I love that example of the car radio!

    1. Marja: This is so true. God helps us through ALL things that come to us. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Wow. I love that God helped you fix your husband's radio. He cares about everything!

  4. Jeanette: I thank you for your kind reply. I am finding that God helps me through all sorts of issues and circumstances. Peace and blessings on you and yours.

  5. Yes, we are called to be free, but to use our freedom to share Christ's love with others wherever we may go. Yes, I am "free to be me", but I must always keep in mind that who I am in Christ is who I need to be so others will see Christ living in me. I am also glad you were able to figure out the car radio. I usually have to fix the clock in the car when we have time change. That's my major accomplishment with technical issues in the car. LOL. Have a blessed day.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind thoughts. We must always share God's love with those around us and to those we meet. I also have to do the clock fixing in the car. These things used to frustrate me, but I don't worry about them any more. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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