Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Celebrate Our Freedom




I will walk about in freedom, for I have sought out your precepts. Psalm 119:45 (NIV)


As we in the United States celebrate our freedom this month, I think of how we celebrate Christ.


I once heard that we celebrate Jesus Christ every time we gather to worship. It came to me that we celebrate God when we honor Him through our personal daily prayers and devotional times.


We honor God when we speak of Him or His Son to another.


When we extend love to those who are hurting, we share their sorrow or their grief. When we do not give up on someone who is going through tough times, we are representing and honoring God.


The Psalmist tells us he has sought out His precepts.

We honor God in another way when we give Him His tithes and our offerings. I was at a revival meeting the first time I heard a pastor say something about giving God His tithes, the statement caught me up short. I had not thought of the first 10% belonging to  Him. I learned something precious at that meeting.


Can you think of other ways we celebrate Jesus? Would you like to share them with me?


  1. We celebrate Jesus when we give just a cup of cold water in Jesus' name. When we lift up our voice in song and praise for His love and kindness and protection. When I see His beauty in His Creation all around me...I celebrate Jesus in His sunset and sunrise masterpieces...they make me clap my hands with joy at the unique beauty of each new day. When I see a bird on the wing or in the pond, I celebrate Jesus. When I hear a newborn baby cry or a toddler laughing with glee...So many ways to celebrate Jesus. His fingerprints are everywhere we look...how can we not celebrate Him?

    1. Pam; Thank you for your input. The ways you mention are ways we can celebrate Jesus thorought each day.I continue to pray for you Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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