Wednesday, October 13, 2021



Mount Lebanon Lutheran

              He who dwells in the secret place of        

        the Most High shall abide under the               

        shadow of the almighty. Psalm 91:1 (NKJV)


The Psalmist headed this chapter as Safety in Abiding in the Presence of God. 

                This verse speaks to me. If I had any doubts about abiding with God, these words would take away all those fearful thoughts.

Most of the time of COVID, I have been house-bound for reasons of health beside Covid. But my various quarantines were for my benefit. I praise God for His watch care over me as I learned the lessons of abiding in him.


The phrase, “under the shadow of the Almighty” remind me that God has been ever-present with me. Yes, I have had frustrations and even anger during these months. God knows what I have faced, the heartache, the disappointments, the uncertainty one faces while being ill. Despite my momentary hard feelings, He has kept me close to Him. For these things, I am very thankful.


During this time of uncertainty, I have been able to maintain my reading of devotions from two devotional books and of journaling one scripture passage each day. I also read our local newspaper to keep up with what is happening here locally. I have cut back my television news viewing to try to discover the cause of my malaise.

A lack of sleep at night is still an issue, but I find myself sleeping in during the day and sometimes falling asleep for “cat-naps.” In spite of all these things going on with me, I still feel protected by God.


  1. I am sorry you have been through so many different trials during this past year or so. I know it has been difficult for you, but yet your messages here are always positive and encouraging to us as children of God. Thank you for your faithful witness. May the Lord continue to bless you and heal you in accordance with His will for you. I pray you will have a peaceful night's rest tonight. Amen.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kindness. I did get better sleep last night. I used a sleep tea. God must be teaching me something that He wants me to learn or I don't think I would be going through this. A Facebook friend pointed out that the treatment I took might be causing my sleeplessness. Thank you for your friendship. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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