Thursday, April 28, 2022

Peace with God


Ralph's Fotos @ Pixabay


Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. Rom. 5:1-2 (NKJV)


The Apostle Paul tells the believers at Rome something very basic to Christian belief.


Simply put, we have access to peace with God through our relationship with Jesus Christ. There are others who state that there are other ways to establish our relationship with God. His Word tells us otherwise.

 It is through our relationship with Jesus that we come to know God. It is our faith in Jesus that allows us to learn of God. It is this relationship we have with the Son that allows us access to the Father.

 Jesus went to the cross, shed His blood, and rose and entered heaven so that we may someday go be with Him and His Father.

Access to God is a very special concept to those of us who try to live for Jesus. We use this access daily, sometimes more often as needed. Because we have this privilege, we can weather the storms that life puts us through. Those storms can enter our lives unannounced and very unexpectedly. But God is there with us as we travel through those times.


  1. Amen to your last paragraph. Yes! God is there with us as we travel through those difficult storms of life. Praise God! Where would we be without Him?

  2. Yes, yes, amen. Jesus made the Father known! What a wonderful concept, such truth!


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