Wednesday, May 4, 2022

April Reflections


Yarnchick/Patsy/ Cross Roads UMC Easter Sunday


Beta Reading

From time to time, I choose to test read another writer’s work. I have been reading a book, sent by PDF.


Review Book

I chose to get a book to review. It had been a while I forgot how much I enjoyed doing this. When the May list came out, I chose to do another one.


Children’s Moments Message 

It was my turn to give the Children’s Moments message on Easter Sunday. Due to my decision to connect each message to a holiday or time of year, I thought, “Perfect, I can tell them about the greeting and the response to “He is Risen.” (I write my own messages.) Again, my message was over the heads of the children who were there.


Women’s Circle Lesson

In May, I was scheduled to be one of the two hostesses for our women’s circle at church. I planned to do the lesson and decorations and providing the dessert. The other hostess will fix most of the food. We were going with a Mother’s Day theme.  I remembered a Bible study session I did several years ago on Hannah. I couldn’t find the book that I used back then. So, I did some research and wrote a lesson on Hannah. I tell of Hannah’s strengths while she faced her circumstance. At the end of the lesson, I ask some questions to make the ladies think about things in their lives and how they could better face the issues. That lesson can keep for another month.


COVID reared its ugly head.

I started to feel bad on April 22nd. We had a trip planned for Saturday. We were going to stay overnight and come back on Sunday. We had lunch with our son and went to see Hubby’s best friend, Tom. Tom was scheduled to have a heart procedure done on the next Friday.  I went to our primary care doctor on that Monday and got tested for Influenza A, Influenza B, and for COVID. I tested positive for COVID. I had already cancelled appointments with two oncology specialists. After I got home, I cancelled my appointment for my haircut.


Getting Rings Resized

Last spring, I had a lumpectomy. In early December I noticed some swelling in my left arm, what they call my surgical arm. I waited until my appointment in early January and told one of my doctors about it. She determined that it was lymphedema, my lymph nodes in my upper arm were not able to process the fluid they receive.


I received physical therapy for about eight weeks. I have a compression sleeve and a compression glove to wear. I had to start wearing my wristwatch on my right arm.


When I told my husband about this compression glove, I knew I had to do something about my wedding, engagement, and anniversary rings. We decided I could wear them on my right hand. They had to be resized. I took them to a reputable jeweler in our city. It took two weeks to get them back. This was part of my birthday gift. They look brand knew.


April Weather


Our “spring” weather was on a seesaw. We had one nice day, followed by two or three dismal, gray days. On Palm Sunday, it started out with temps around 34-37 degrees. The sun shone around noon. By late afternoon, it registered 64*. But it dropped down over night. When, I see the sunshine coming in my windows, I give thanks to God. I feel better when the sun shines.


A Prayer Request

My best friend and a couple of other friends are wanting to embark on a special ministry to those who have lost a loved one. Since the first of 2022, we have had at least five members of our church who have gone through this. I have been doing online research for information on grief. I have also compiled a list of contact people at our local nursing homes to ask them for help. We intend on having visitation people to contact those who have been affected. One of the ladies in our church is a retired social worker who has experienced losing her husband. We would like to be able to have a few meetings with those who have been affected. Please pray for us.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have truly been going through a lot. I didn't know you were dealing with the lymphedema issue also. I had a friend who had to wear the compression sleeve/glove too. I hope it is helping you. So glad you were able to get your rings re-sized so you can continue to enjoy wearing them. Is the lymphedema considered a permanent issue, or should it get better in time? Is there anything that can be done about it? Just wondering. I will definitely pray for you in that regard, as well as the request to begin the grief ministry. That is a much needed ministry to people who have lost loved ones, especially their spouses. I did not go through grief counseling when our son died, mainly because we had been preparing ourselves for his passing for four years while he fought cancer. However, the grief was real and is still very real, 8 years later. But I think because he had already been away from home for many years since he was married and lived in another state far away, we did not feel his absence quite as much as we would have if he had still been living with us or close to us where we were used to seeing him often. Sometimes I feel like he's still not that far away, but I can't hear his voice anymore, and I really miss that. I know where he is and we will see him again someday in heaven, but still, we miss his sweet presence here on earth. I know your ministry to those who are grieving will be very much appreciated.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

Thou Shalt Not Murder

  As a general rule, I do not comment on news events happening in our world. This post is an exception. Earlier this winter, a man w...