Thursday, May 26, 2022

Patient in Tribulation


quiet spirit


Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another, not lagging in diligence to one another, serving the Lord, rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer. Romans 12:10-12 (NJKV)


 Paul writes to the believers at Rome. He also speaks directly to me.


 Be kindly affectionate - Speak well to and of those around us. Let them know that we care.


with brotherly love Love those around us as we would a sibling or another family member.


 in honor giving preference to one another Put another’s wishes, if possible, ahead of yours.


 not lagging in diligence, We are to serve the Lord fervently. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” (Colossians 3:23, NIV)


 Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord

We are to be aglow with enthusiasm for God. Some people say we should be “on fire” as we work for God and work for Him.


 rejoicing in hope responding to news and stimuli with our eyes toward Jesus as He works to fix whatever is wrong.


patient in tribulation We sometimes must wait on the Lord to act in harsh circumstances of our lives.


 continuing steadfastly on prayer We can never forget the power of prayer. God answers our pleas to Him by doing what is best for the circumstance.  


PLEASE NOTE: These thoughts are to help me as much as to help you.


  1. Oh Cecelia, we just read this in our small ladies group this week. Every verse speaks to me :) Not lagging in diligence... Lord forgive me when I procrastinate! Fervent in spirit, serving the Lord... I want to be “on fire” for Him. Yeah, and patient in tribulation.

  2. And yes, these words do help me, and I appreciate being reminded of them. Being patient in tribulation or even in any situation is always a challenge for me. But yes, "continuing steadfastly in prayer" is always the best plan. God hears our prayers, and He WILL answer in due time. We just have to be patient and wait on Him for the BEST answer! Have a blessed and wonderful day and week, my friend.


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