Wednesday, June 1, 2022

May Reflections


Wiki Calendar


Reactions to the Weather 

It appears that we did not have spring this year. It went right into summer. This year, I was able to remember to talk to my husband about getting the yard rolled. He contacted the people who mow for us. With the rain we had for most of a week, the young man’s dad got it done the following week and it is nice to be able to walk outside without fear of falling.


 Mother’s Day Postponed 

With both of us being ill, my having COVID, hubby possible having COVID, we decided to wait until we were over it before our son could come home. On the day after Mother’s Day, I tested negative. I still wanted to rest up. The weather was predicted to be bad the following weekend. Our son called just before the second weekend after Mother’s Day. The weather forecast looked gloomy. We decided he would come for part of Memorial Day weekend.


Review Book 

Just after I tested negative, I received another book to review. “The Path to Peace”By Ann Swindell. I literally could not put it down. I will write more about it later.


An Answer to Prayer 

The Sunday after my negative COVID test, I got back to church. I looked across the foyer and saw a woman who had lost her husband a couple of months earlier. The had stopped coming earlier in the year. I had visited her shortly after she lost her husband. In my prayer list, I keep a page designated for those who are grieving. I recorded a note in my journal’s weekly praise page. 


 Praise Note 

We drove to Indy to see my Gynecological Oncologist one Tuesday. At the end of her examination, she told me the chance of my tumor coming back was ZERO. Also, after my next visit in November, my visits will be spaced out to just once a year. If I had any confetti, I would be throwing it.


 Personal Concerns 

I have some personal concerns that seem to not go away. Please pray for me as I await the various outcomes.


 Please pray for Uvalde Texas and other places that have had mass shootings 

I don’t usually write about current events on here. However, the Uvalde shooting is such a horrific event that I must ask you to pray for those families that lost children at the hands of someone who had access to assault rifles. In our local newspaper today, June 1st was an article about the numerous shootings over the holiday weekend. I did learn something I didn’t know. The authorities define ‘mass shootings’ as incidents where four or more people are shot.




  1. Praise God! So glad to hear about your praise report. May the LORD bless you and bring you answers to all the things you are seeking Him for.

  2. It's good to go back over the month and see where you've been and the progress that has been made. So thankful you came through the Covid issue and are better now, and that your son was finally able to come home to visit. Praying with you regarding things you are still concerned about. May God hear your prayers and meet your needs accordingly. The Uvalde tragedy is so very heartbreaking. The only positive thing is that I believe those children are safe with Jesus today. We can debate the "age of accountability", etc., but God knows His children and I believe He welcomed them home with open arms. That is the only positive thing about that tragedy. Thank you for this uplifting post.


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