Thursday, August 11, 2022

Being Faithful

His Lord said to him, “Well done, good and faithful servant: you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.” Matthew 25:21 (NKJV)

The disciples asked about the end times and the Rapture. Jesus told them several parables that relate to the end times and His return. One was about being faithful with what we have.

A wealthy man prepares to travel a great distance from home. He leaves three of his household servant in charge of some talents (money). After a lengthy absence, the wealthy man returns. Two of the servants had made the talents work for them, doubling the amount each was given. They were praised and rewarded for their efforts. Their master said they were faithful. The third servant did nothing with what he was given. The master took away the gifts and gave them to the other two servants.

Do we see many people being faithful to the LORD or even to each other in our world today? Are we as faithful to God as we were when we first gave our hearts to Him? This is something I have to deal with often.

We all want to hear God tell us that we were faithful over what He has given us.


  1. Sometimes we need "wake up calls" to remind us about being as faithful as we once were. We tend to get caught up in our daily lives and don't think about our faith as much as we should, and then we get a "rude awakening" that wakes us up and we get back on track. Oh if we could only stay wide awake and ready for Christ's return! I am ready, but I know I could be doing more to help further His kingdom along. One day at a time. Hope you are all doing well.

  2. Pam: Yes, we get caught up in our daily lives, I get :"down on myself" and don't realize I am neglecting God. He is faithful even when we are not. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. My husband and I have been in ministry 39+ years. We have been in big churches and smaller churches. Now we are in an extremely tiny country church. They’d been without a pastor for two years when we went. It is much different from working in larger churches. My verse for this church has bed. “It us required in stewards that a man be found faithful.” No, we are not doing big retreats, conferences, and revivals. But that’s not what we are called to do at this time. We are, above all else, called to be faithful. And that’s our prayer. Thanks for this reminder.

  4. Being faithful to God is the most important thing we can do. With my having some health issues appearing since right before COVID locked us in, I have had to curtail what I enjoyed doing for the LORD and seek Him and His purpose for my life. May God continue to bless you and your husband as you lead your church. Peace and blessings to you both.


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