Wednesday, November 9, 2022


But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come. For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 2 Timothy 3:1-3 (NKJV)

Words of Paul to Timothy. Paul knew he was going to leave this earth. This letter constitutes his parting words to Timothy.

In this passage of scripture, Paul minces no words about the condition the world will be in during the last days.

As we read these words does anything sound familiar? To me it sounds horrible. My study Bible note tells that “Paul speaks of 19 descriptors in verses 1-5 that characterizes the breakdown of society and the family.” (1)

One of them is self-control-the last of the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23).

Self-control is described as “the ability to restrain inappropriate passions and appetites. (2)

Each believer must practice self-control as we serve the LORD. Each of us must watch how we respond to what another person tells us. We must keep our tongues in line with what God wants us to share with others.

Each of us may have something in our lives that we need to work on or give to the LORD and let Him straighten out.

Father God:

Please guide us as we traverse these last day. Allow us, Your spiritual children, to learn more of You and Your ways. Please guide us in all we do. We love You and desire to serve you for the rest of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. AMEN

1, Jeremiah Study Bible (page 1721)

2. Jeremiah Study Bible (page 1633)


  1. When I look around at all that's going on today, Cecelia, I do feel that end times could be near.

  2. Self control is one of those fruits of the Spirit that does not come easy to us. Something we must learn to practice every day...selfishness comes naturally to us from day one...and so self control is something we must be trained to do also from day one...if we had good parenting. Thankfully the Lord helps us as we yield our lives to Him...but it is still a daily thing for us to "die to self" so that we may be Spirit controlled and led.

  3. Martha: You are right. We can see the stories and writings of the Bible coming to pass right before our eyes. Peace and Blessings.

  4. Pam: You are correct. Self-control is a daily exercise for us. Yes, we have to "die to self" in order to gain Spirit- control. In the past, I could manage to handle the other eight fruit but not self-control. I believe I am gaining ground since I started this study on the fruit of the spirit. Peace and blessings.

  5. When I woke up this morning I told myself that no matter who was elected yesterday, God has a plan. His plan has been in motion since the beginning of time and an election in the U.S. in 2022 is not going to change that. God is still in control.

  6. Cindy: Please forgive me, I thought I had responded to your comment earlier. Yes, God is in control. He still cares about His children. He is teaching us some valuable lessons during these times. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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