Tuesday, December 6, 2022

November Reflections


 The Weather

 This past month started out with a continuation of beautiful fall weather. We had a wedding anniversary on one Wednesday; the day was perfect. But by Saturday morning, we had a definite change in the weather. Hubby told me he thought we had 2+ inches of snow on top of our car. Some parts of central Indiana had over three inches.

 A New Website 

 Toward the end of October, I received an email from a writer that I used to follow. She felt a nudge from God to create a Christian online magazine for children. About StarLight Magazine – StarLight Magazine (jean-matthew-hall.com) She was looking for writers to submit stories, games, and devotions to her and those working with her for possible inclusion in this new children’s Christian magazine. I submitted one of the Children’s Moments messages in an edited form. A day or two later, I received an online copy of the November issue. She also emailed me, thanking me for the submission and saying she would get back with me in January.


Our church hosts a Community Thanksgiving Dinner on Tuesday before the actual holiday. I used to help in the serving line. One year, I cut pies for those dining. Last year, I rolled silverware (plastic) in napkins. I was going to do that again this year, but things got complicated and confused for me. I did send plastic grocery sacks for those working could use them for the carry-outs.

 Due to our son’s work schedule, he works every Friday of the Thanksgiving weekend, he comes home on Saturday, and we have the traditional meal then. 

 An Interesting Weekend 

Thanksgiving did not go as we planned or wanted it to go. Roger came in with a back problem. What we planned to have for dinner did not 'pan out/ Plan "B" went by the wayside.  We wound up having a simple meal. The important thing was we were able to be together.

 On Sunday morning, I received a text message from my friend who facilitates our Sunday school class. Her husband was not feeling well. Was I going to be at church and could I teach the class. We were starting a new devotional-type book for Advent. I managed to do some research on the focus of the first devotional. I reread the second and third ones and had some ideas of how to lead the discussion. The group was small, but they were receptive to the topics. 

 Where Has This Year Gone?

Am I the only one asking that question? As I sit here typing this, I see so many things I should be doing but just don’t have the oomph to manage getting started. Some days, I have some energy, but it doesn’t last very long.

About those Doctor's Scales!

I had two doctor appointments at the end of the month. At the first one, I stepped on the scales to find out that the scales DEFINATELY did not like me. Therefore, I am sincerely trying to stay away from cookies and candy. I am also trying to cut out snacking, (we seem to do a lot of that around here.) 

Remember the reason for the season we are beginning.


  1. Oh dear, sounds like November had its ups and downs for you. Glad you were able to be with Roger Thanksgiving weekend, even if things didn't go exactly as planned. Seems like there was a lot of that happening...we had to change our plans because I got sick too. Hope Roger's back is feeling better and that it is not anything too serious. Regarding those Doctor's scales...I think they are all purposely set too high just to make us all stop eating goodies. LOL. Although I actually had lost weight finally at my last visit (while I was sick with the flu). I am sure I have recovered it by now since it was because I just didn't feel like eating, but I am doing a lot of eating now. With the holidays it is always difficult to maintain any kind of sensible diet. Hope you have a blessed and beautiful December. Christmas is coming!!

  2. Pam: Roger's back responded well to what this old mother did for him. I also sent him back south with a few patches to tide him over. We also sent food back with him so he wouldn't have to get out for at least a couple of days. About those doctor's scales- No two of them weigh the same. I was told that when I questioned the accuracy of one of them at one office (I had been to my primary doctor two days earlier and had received a different figure.) Yes, Christmas is coming, Did some shopping last week. Ordered some things online this week. It will be here, ready or not. Peace and blessings.

  3. Yes, your month certainly saw its share of ups and downs, Cecelia. The important thing for us to learn when that happens is to keep the faith and depend upon God to get us through. And I feel as you do about how quickly this year has passed; wish it was possible to relive the precious moments I so enjoyed with family.
    Blessings, and glad to know Roger is doing better!

  4. Martha; Thank you for your wonderful comments. I appreciate the thought that you shared about our need to keep the faith and depend on God. Peace and blessings.

  5. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! Blessings for many more happy and healthy years ahead! May God bless you as you write for children`s moments and encourage children in their faith. All blessings and may the Peace of God be with you as you bring glory to Him in all you do!

    The LORD will protect you from all evil.
    He will guard your life.
    The LORD will watch over your coming and your going
    from this time forth and forevermore.

    Psalm 121:7~8

  6. Shayndel: Thank you. I appreciate your thoughts about my writing those children's moments messages. It is somewhat difficult. I would appreciate your prayers about this. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  7. Thank you for sharing your November reflections, quite a month. When it comes to the scales... I have been afraid to look for many years, but as of the beginning of this year it has been better, much better. Not a diet though, but walking! Walking every day, preferably 10.000 steps.

  8. I really enjoyed your blog Thanks for sharing such an informative post.

  9. Marja: Thank you for your thoughtful comments. I was signed up for a balance class designed to help prevent falls. I was able to attend five of them. The instructor was ill one week. Then, the last two of them, I was not feeling well. The group is planning on starting exercise classes in March. There is also a community center in our part of town that has walking just about every morning. Now, if I can get to one of these groups, it might help me. Peace and blessings.


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