Tuesday, December 13, 2022




This is an updated version of a post from a previous year.

It is God who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6 (NRSV)

We have often heard we are to show Jesus to those we meet. Also, we hear we are the only Bible some people read. What can we do when we try to incorporate these thoughts into our personas?

At my Tuesday morning prayer group, I shared a reading entitled “Shine”, from an Advent devotional book Pauses for Advent Words of Wonder by Trevor Howard. Our Sunday school class is studying it.

A dear friend of mine responded that she always tries to smile when she meets people in the stores and in passing. I discovered I am also trying to smile more than I have in the past.

I believe there is something else that would help us shine for Jesus. We can try to speak in well-modulated tones of voice when we answer someone else. (Here again, I point three fingers back at myself.)

One habit I have developed is to tell everyone who waits on me or helps me by holding a door open for me to be blessed. Just today, I told a Salvation Army bell ringer to be blessed after I heard him wish a Merry Christmas to everyone who came by his station, whether they donated to the kettle or not. That touched my heart.

One way we can do this is to think before we speak or act. Even taking a deep breath before we begin to speak might give us time to think about how we want to respond to what we hear and time to send up a sentence prayer to God to guide us in what He wants us to say and how He wants us to say it.

Lord God: Thank You for Your guidance and instruction as we learn Your ways to shine for You in this fallen world. In the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen


  1. I love these ideas and thoughts. Yes, we let Jesus shine through us when we smile, when we are kind and courteous to others, preferring others first, blessing rather than cursing, going out of our way to do something nice for another and not expecting anything in return. I sometimes get caught up in my own little world of "woe is me" and I forget to smile and let Jesus Shine through me. I needed this reminder tonight. thank you.

  2. I believe it is this simple Cecelia, smiling at people and making small talk when waiting in line. I try to do so.

  3. Pam: I am learning that it only takes a smile or a kind word to spread God's love to those who are hurting. Yes, we are not to expect anything in return when we do something good for someone, that is our offering to God, a sacrifice, (Romans 12:1)

  4. Marja; Thank you for your kind comment. It seems so easy to smile or make a phone call to check up on someone who is going through something difficult.

  5. Beautiful thoughts and gestures, Cecelia! I, too, am ready to smile at others wherever I find myself. A small spark of kindness can turn into a roaring fire.

  6. Martha: Like the gospel song says: "It only takes a spark to get a fire going... That's how it is with God's love." Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  7. Excellent suggestions! I try to smile even when I feel grumpy. It helps me stand up on the inside!

  8. Jeanette: Thank you for your kind words. I find I feel better if I smile or "take the high road" when I am confronted by difficult things. I had to pray for the staff at the hospital when I thought it took too long for them to get to me for my next test just yesterday.


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