Wednesday, January 18, 2023

God’s Spirit Rests



The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him.

The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,

The Spirit of counsel and might,

The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.

Isaiah 11:2 (NKJV)

The words of the prophet Isaiah.

Isaiah gives us insight into the coming Messiah. In this verse he tells the people that the Spirit of God will be on this coming King.

Isaiah uses the phrase “rest upon Him”. Could this convey a picture of peace as opposed to animosity? God chose to send His Son to earth to help us learn of Himself and how to live with one another. His Son’s mission included teaching and healing. His motive for doing this was love for His son and for His people. He chose to do this in a peaceful, non-judgmental way.

No wonder God chose to let His Spirit rest on His Son.

Thank You, Father, for all You do for us, using the way of rest and peace to teach us the lessons You have for us. Amen.


  1. Amen, Cecelia! Your reflection here has made me look at the word "rest" in an entirely different way.

    1. Martha: Thank you for your kind words. The thoughts about rest have given me a new appreciation of resting in the afternoons. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Beautiful verses and thoughts. Interesting insights regarding the Spirit of the Lord resting upon the when John the Baptist saw the Holy Spirit descend upon Jesus like a dove...a sign of peace...Jesus brings peace to our souls and our lives when we put our trust in Him.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your encouraging thoughts. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Hi Cecelia,
    Yes, Beautiful reflections.
    I was inspired to look up the word in Hebrew in Isaiah 11:2 to see what was the word for rest.
    It is נ֫וּחַ
    The same root word that “NOAH" is from, meaning `rest`! Interesting to see that as it evokes the image of the Spirit as a Dove appearing above Yeshua after He is baptized!! I hadn’t seen that connection. Thank you for your sharing the verse in highlighting `rest`.

    Jesus says `Come to me and I will give you rest`! Thank you for encouraging us and bringing us on your journey into the rest in Yeshua. Praise God, for Yeshua who gives us rest and Shalom, peace!!

    1. Shayndel: Thank you for your warm, heartfelt comments. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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