Thursday, January 5, 2023

Looking Ahead into 2023

As I sat trying to plan my writing for the year, I had a thought reoccur.

I will try to journal about my word for this year at the end of each month. This will help me more closely focus on it, rather than wait until the fall to share what I have learned.

My Chosen Word for This Year

My chosen word for 2023 is FORGIVEN and its related forms (forgive, forgiveness).

I have enrolled in a social media page to help me with my choice. I also have enrolled in a small group designed to help me explore my word. Usually, the word I have chosen seems to be in everything I read that year.

Blogging Schedule

I will continue to blog two times a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays, if not on Thursdays, then on Fridays. This seems to work for me.

Monthly Reflections

My monthly reflections will continue to be the first post of each month.

Book Reviews

At this point, I am unsure about doing any book reviews this year. More on this topic later.


Still searching for the right market to which to submit my writing. Most secular markets seem to deal with subjects in which I have no interest. Please pray for me about this.


  1. Your word for 2023 is perfect, Cecelia. I do like your idea to ponder "forgiveness" on a more frequent basis. You've inspired me to do the same.

  2. Thank you, Martha, for your kind thoughts. May God enrich and bless you in this new year. Peace and blessings.

  3. Happy New Year Cecilia. Such a good word for this year and always. I received a word this year, which is heritage/inheritance. I like your idea to be intentional about meditating on the word and seeking insight into it throughout the year. I will try that !! Blessings to you and may all your plans succeed , I pray in agreement for the LORD to open doors for you for the writers markets that will be the perfect match as you use your writing and all your gifts to glorify the Name of Jesus. Love from Japan! Shayndel

  4. Shayndel: Thank you for your kind thoughts. Getting started this year is a hurdle I have to cross. Health issues for husband and myself. May God continually bless you as you go through each day. Peace and blessings.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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