Friday, March 17, 2023

Forgiven Sins; Greater Love



Therefore, I tell you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven—for she loved much. But he who is forgiven little, loves little.” Luke 7:47 (ESV)

A Pharisee invited Jesus to share a meal with him in his home. While He reclined at the table a sinful woman entered the home.

She brought a very expensive ointment with her. She she wept and wet his feet with her tears and wiped his feet with her hair. She then poured the ointment on his feet.

Jesus’ host wondered whether Jesus knew her background. Jesus spoke to His host telling him a parable about two men who owed debts to a moneylender. The lender forgave both of the men their debt. The message Jesus gave was that the man with the biggest debt would love the lender more because he was forgiven more.

Jesus told his host that this woman, thought to be sinful by the townspeople, was forgiven because she showed Jesus love by doing things the host should have done but didn’t do. Jesus forgave her for her sins.

Sometimes, we find ourselves confronted with evidence that we either sinned by commission or by omission. When we find ourselves faced with our sins, of either type, we must search our hearts and seek His forgiveness.

I have committed some large-sized sins in my life, but when God or the person I wronged forgave me, I truly felt loved.


  1. God's forgiveness never fails to make us feel truly loved, Cecelia.

    1. This is so very true. Thank you for sharing that thought with us, Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. So glad He always forgives us! Blessings to you! I'm your neighbor at the #oneword2023 linkup.

    1. Gayl: Where would we be without His forgiveness? Sometimes we need that forgiveness several times a day. He forgives us because of His grace and His mercy. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. What a relief to know you're forgiven. It feels as if the weight of the world is lifted off your chest.

    I've been forgiven much. I love Him with all my heart!

    1. Jerralea: Thank you for your thoughtful comment and your testimony. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. I've always found this story to be so enlightening. And so true. I'm grateful for the sins that I've been forgiven of. It does help me love Jesus even more, and feel more loved by him.

    1. Lisa: Thank you for your heartfelt comments. We all should get down on our knees and give thanks to Him for looking past our sins and loving us enough to forgive us for them. Peace ad blessings to you and yours.


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