Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Have You Ever Wondered Why?


(I wrote this in March, just after the Nashville school shooting. I chose to place it on my blog after Easter because I believed my message would take away from the messages of Holy Week and Easter.)

We heard of yet another school shooting this week.

Have you ever wondered why?

We hear that there have been 130 shootings across our nation this year alone.

Today, March 29,2023 is the 88th day of this year. That is more than one a day.

Have you ever wondered why?

I certainly have. What follows is some personal thoughts that came to me just last night.

My first thought was, ‘Some people seem to be doing what they want to do.” We have seen this in young misbehaving children. We read of it when we read of ‘road rage’ incidents.

My next thought was, “People are doing what is right in their own eyes.” I have heard this before. I realized it was from a sermon I heard many years ago. I checked and found that Moses said it once, and Samuel said it two times.

Deuteronomy 12:8 “You shall not at all do as we are doing here today—every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes— “

Judges 21:25 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

Judges 17:6 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes. those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

During the time of the Judges, when a judge was in charge, the Israelites followed God’s word. However, after each judges passed away, the people of the nation returned to doing what each of them wanted to do. They followed the habits and customs of their heathen neighbors.

My next thought was: “ Is that what we presently see played out in our world today?” Have we not taught our children about the Ten Commandments or the Golden Rule? Have we, as children of God, decided that we know better than He what is the best to do in certain situations?

Whenever, a follower of Jesus used to mess up, someone would say, “And he/she is a Christian?” Usually, the next words we would hear went something like this, “If that is Christianity, I want no part of it.”

It seems to me that what we presently see going on in our world today could be brought on by our own ignoring of God’s rules.

What I now wonder is: “Is it too late for us to repent of our sins and seek God’s forgiveness?”


  1. It is never too late to repent and ask for forgiveness from our most gracious God, Cecelia. When these tragic events occur, I find myself asking "why?"

    1. Martha Jane: You are correct. It is never too late to ask God for forgiveness and repent. I ask the same question (Why?) when these shooting occur. Peace and blessings.

  2. I was going to say exactly what Martha Jane said above...it is never too late to repent and ask for forgiveness, unless the person dies first without repenting...then it is too late. Our world/nation is in serious distress. Our nation as a whole needs to repent and ask forgiveness, before it too dies and it is too late. Praying for our nation every single day. May God open the eyes of the blind before it is indeed too late.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your wise words. Yes, our nation DOES need to repent. We need to remember our leaders when we pray. Also, we need to pray for what is going on in our states,
      and our world as well as our local cities. Peace and blessings.

  3. I believe people have forgotten God. They think He stifles their plans and keeps them from doing anything fun so they've turned their backs on Him. But then people begin doing what they want - what seems right in their own eyes - and with 6 billion people on the planet, it creates chaos and destruction. The enemy is killing hope, stealing identity, and destroying the family unit. We need to pray against the enemy, and push back the forces of darkness. Keep looking up! Look for Christ's soon coming return and speak His truth to this crazy, lost world.

    1. Cindy: You are correct as to the why we are in the state we are in. People have either forgotten God or have downplayed His word. When I heard of the Nashville school shooting, my thought was that people are doing things that they see as right in their own eyes. I see this as the answer to several things that are going on in our world and that are wrong. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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