Tuesday, May 2, 2023

April Reflections


Easter Weekend

Roger did make it home for most of the weekend. On Saturday, we went to Red Lobster and had broiled Rainbow Trout. (The last time we tried to eat there they were out of it.) Jim dropped in there on Thursday that week to ask if they had trout. And to ask if the would have it on Saturday. It was a good thing they had it when we got there.

Sunday Morning Roger and I ate Easter breakfast at church. The ladies who worked at the breakfast did an excellent job of making everyone feel special. Below are some pictures of the table decorations that a friend of mine had made for the event. The pictures here in this post were taken by me. The creator is a friend of mine from church; her name is Patsy York. She is very talented. Her sister. Billie Haston made the corsages in top of each sign.


                                             Spoiler Alert   THE TOMB WAS EMPTY

I’m really feeling energetic

The week after Easter I decided I needed to start working on our house, cleaning and rearranging some of our things. One project was to clean on the front porch. It’s enclosed and I like to sit out there when the weather is nice. At one point, I had to rest. I sat on the settee and noticed some more things that needed gone. I don’t remember sitting out there last summer, so it has been awhile. Alas, the weather turned cold, again. So that project has been put on hold. As I sat here waiting for my computer to format a disc, my cell phone received a frost advisory warning. That’s life here in Indiana.



                                                        Jesus died for you knowing that

                                                        you might never love Him back.

                                                            That Is True Love

Inventory Day

My church is in the process of disaffiliation from the United Methodist denomination. On April 22, the church trustees had an inventory day because we have to submit the amount of items, we possess to the Indiana Annual Conference. I was able to participate in this task.



                                                  I always thought love was shaped like a heart.

                                                   But love is actually shaped like a CROSS.


So far this year I have read six + books. Three of them I had read before. I am awaiting one from a publisher to read and review.

A Prayer Answered

I had a prayer request about which I could only tell God. I made a post on Facebook that told of my need for prayer and God knew why. I shared it in some detail with a Facebook prayer group to which I belong. I received encouragement from Facebook friends who go to my church and from people I graduated with from high school. My answer came just before Easter weekend.


I have been doing some writing. Mostly posts for here on my blog. This month’s theme stated out as prayer but I had some other thoughts that God must have wanted me to explore. So this month will have a mixture of topics.

That's all for now.


  1. I love your Easter recap, Cecelia! Those centerpieces on the tables are so simple and touching. Hoping all the churches that are trying to pivot won't have too many obstacles in their way.

    1. Martha Jane: I am glad you liked the centerpieces. She is far more talented than I Thank you for your concerns about the churches. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Thanks for sharing your reflections on April Cecelia, always nice to read. I am glad you feel energetic!!

    1. Marja: Thank you for your thoughts. That energetic feeling comes and goes. The weather seems to have a lot of people here down. My best friend and her husband have been fighting a respiration infection for a couple of weeks. Tomorrow is to be a warmer, sunshiny day. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

Thou Shalt Not Murder

  As a general rule, I do not comment on news events happening in our world. This post is an exception. Earlier this winter, a man w...