Wednesday, May 31, 2023

What is a Church? 

Have you ever wondered what the term” Church” really means?

We say we are going to church when we prepare to assemble together with other believers in Christ.

There are some people who refer to the membership of the church as their church family. One church I was in received a new pastor who referred to everyone as Brother or Sister and then spoke the name of the congregant. His reason for this practice was that he believed all children of God were brothers and sisters.

I recently read a statement that told me that the church is actually the people who worship and then live their lives before those they meet.

My question I had to ask myself was: Do I actually live my Christian life before those I see through the week? I could get around that question and say that I don’t see anyone except my husband through the week. But that makes me focus on how I react to and deal with things he says and does.

Am I friendly to those who wait on my at the grocery store? Am I considerate to those in line behind me at the pharmacy? Do I respond in a well-modulated voice at the doctor’s office when I am asked a question? Do I allow my voice to convey how I really feel when I am on the phone with someone who is trying to help me through a problem I seem to have? My answer to most of these questions is “Yes” but there is one area that I n I believe eed to work on.

I recently had to purchase a food item for a church funeral dinner. Just before I left home, I noticed I was almost running out of dish washing liquid. When I went to the grocery store, I found the food item and then went to select my dish soap. As I went through the check-out line, I used my debit card, checked the receipt, and then noticed the food item did not scan, I informed the check-out lady, and she took care of the error. (Special note: I am not in the habit of looking at my receipts.)

Now, this may not seem like a big deal to a lot of people, but it was to me. I was there representing the church and what it stands for. I believe God would have at least called me on this, because I would have actually broken a commandment and not realized it.


  1. Amen, Cecelia! I can't help but think that God had you take a second look at the receipt, knowing you would do the right thing in His name. What if more of us could act that way?

    1. Martha Jane: I have come to the conclusion that each of God's children must realize that we are not our own people but God's children, I have recently been reminded how far His children have watered down the gospel message. Please pray for me as I have to make some decisions. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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