Saturday, June 3, 2023

Book Review: Authentic Worship by A. W. Tozer


A.W. Tozer (1897-1963) wrote numerous books during his lifetime. He was a self-taught theologian and pastor.(1) This particular work has been edited by James L Snyder.

While Mr. Tozer wrote during the 20th Century, his thoughts speak of concerns of present-day evangelical Christians.

The book has rather short chapters, each beginning with a verse or a passage of scripture. At the end of each chapter, the words to a Christian hymn follows.

The author and the editor have broken down the act of worship into various morsels that we need to consider as we evaluate our worship experience.

I enjoy reading Tozer’s writings. I especially liked this book because, in it Mr. Tozer gave me a few things to think on as I prepare to worship. One point Mr. Tozer made that stood out to me is that we have to experience God before we can know Him. I enjoyed the hymns chosen for the end of each chapter. Most of them were familiar to me and I knew their tunes.

I would recommend this book to anyone who feels the lack of “something” in their worship of God.

This book would make a good group study book.

I received this book free from Bethany House, division of Baker Publishing Group.

All they asked of me was that I give a truthful, honest review.

(1) From the bio in the book.


  1. Wonderful review! I haven't read this book, but I am familiar with the editor. We met Rev. Snyder many years ago when he was a new pastor in our area...I believe my husband participated in his installation to his church. He was a "follower" of Tozer then as well, and even resembles him! Very interesting man. Thank you for sharing this with us!

    1. Pam: I believe Tozer's writings are timeless. A lot of what he says seems to me to apply to our world today. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. The book you reviewed sounds wonderful and helpful.

    1. Terra: I find what he wrote back then applicable to what we see in today's world. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.

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