Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Truly Blessed



Blessed is the man to whom the LORD

does not impute iniquity,

And in whose spirit, there is no deceit.

Psalm 32:2 (NKJV)


Looked upon with favor. When a child of God receives a blessing, that child realizes the special degree of God’s care he or she has received.

Impute to impute means to charge with, to ascribe. When a follower of Jesus confesses his sin to Jesus, God wipes it away. We are not held accountable for that transgression.

Iniquity a lack of righteousness, injustice; wickedness, sin. As children of God, we quickly learn that God prefers us not to sin, However, He forgives us when we confess to Him when we do. If God did not wipe away my sins, I would not be able to stand up.

God chooses to look with favor on those of us who confess our sins before Him. He does this out of His grace, mercy, and love. In our world today, a lot of people don’t think of certain of their actions or habits as being sinful. This is because people have forgotten God. They choose to live as they wish.

All we can do is pray for those who have forgotten about God and especially for those who have never heard of God or His Son, Jesus.


  1. Yes, it is very sad to see how many people just don't seem to care anymore about how they live and whether or not it is pleasing to God. They either don't know God, or they just don't care. Someday they will regret that when Jesus says "depart from Me, I never knew you." We who know Him and love Him need to be aware of how our lives reflect His love to others. It's a challenge sometimes because people can be so unlovable. But Jesus died for them too...they just don't know it yet. Thank you for this timely post. blessings and peace to you dear friend.

    1. Pam: Thank you for your kind thoughts. The best thing we can do is pray for them. We are to be a reflection of Jesus in this world. God will take care of the rest of what they need.


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