Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Book Review: Fearless by FAITH


                                   Chosen Books

by Brother Andrew and Al Janssen

Fearless by Faith is a devotional book. It contains 60 faith building devotions written by Brother Andrew.

Brother Andrew spent his life smuggling Bibles into countries whose government did not allow Bibles or any mention of Christianity. He became known as “God’s Smuggler” He teamed up with Al Janssen to write of his travels.

The Book

This book is divided into two parts. The first part focuses on how we listen for God’s instructions. Part two concentrates on the Spiritual battle.

In each section, the warriors present six Bible heroes. In a section entitled: Meet Your Instructors, the authors give us a thumbnail synopsis of each of five Old Testament heroes who are the focus of this work. The authors have included, for most of them, scripture references for us to read and study in our Bibles: David, Elijah, Jonah, Moses, and Gideon. Brother Andrew uses these six heroes to focus on how we can listen for God’s instructions to us. In the second section, he shows us how God guided each of those six Biblical heroes through their spiritual battles.

I enjoyed this book, although I was unfamiliar with these authors and their previous works. My enjoyment was due to the fact that I was able to read the Biblical stories and understand better what the devotions were telling me.

I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys reading devotional books and would want to understand better how to deal with certain conditions we encounter in life.

I received this book, free of charge, from Chosen, a division of Baker Publishing Group. All they asked of me was to give an unbiased review.


  1. Brother Andrew wrote "God's Smuggler", one of my favorite books I have ever read, and it is an exciting book as Brother Andrew was often in danger as he crossed borders smuggling in Bibles where that was illegal.

    1. Terra: I look forward to finding more of Brother Andrew's books. Thank you for reminding me of how good it is. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful and inspiring read, Cecelia. I'll be sure to look this up.

    1. Martha Jane: This book has given me a faith "shot in the arm" I will be searching for others by Brother Andrew. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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