Tuesday, October 10, 2023

David’s Thought about His Sin


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Against You, You only, have I sinned,

And done this evil in Your sight--

                                                                                Psalm 51:4 (NKJV)

Words of David

David, confronted by Nathan the prophet, realized that he had sinned by his actions with Bathsheba.

He knew he had transgressed God’s law immediately when he heard the story that Nathan told.

David instantly went into a state of seeking forgiveness for his sin. The baby died and David came out of his “sackcloth and ashes” state and went in to provide comfort to Bathsheba.

In today’s world we may have dealt with people who take the attitude of: “Yes, I did it; and I will do it again.”

David’s message here seems to be part of his repentance process. He considers himself to be blessed because God forgave him. (Psalm 32:1-2)

God extends to each of His children the privilege of repentance and receiving His forgiveness. It is always our task to seek forgiveness and to repent of our wrongdoings.

We, like David, must come to realize that we ultimately sin against God. If we don’t seek His forgiveness, we will face consequences. Some parents have taught their children that all actions have consequences. I wish that all parents would realize that and convey it to their children.


  1. Yes, Cecelia, I wish that all parents would teach their children that their consequences do have repercussions. But in true repentance, we can seek forgiveness from God, through Jesus, and be washed from our sins.

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for your thoughtful comment. I see young people who act as if they never heard of the action-consequence relationship. A friend of mine has a grandson who is a prime example of my thought. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Yes, all sinful actions do have consequences, even though we may repent and be forgiven, there are still earthy consequences. I've often thought about David saying that his sin was against God only, and I kind of differ with that...it was also against Bathsheba and her husband Uriah, and even against his own child that died. But yes, ultimately, it was between David and God...and all the others suffered because of it. Thankfully David was forgiven and restored to God and continued on to have a good and godly life after that. That's the good news. God doesn't just throw us away when we sin. He brings us beauty for ashes and helps us to get back up and start all over again in the right direction. So thankful for God's amazing grace!

  3. Pam: I understand your thoughts about David sinning against those he hurt in his transgressions. But, ultimately, he did cause grief to God, God forgave him because he did recognize that he had sinned against God. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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