Wednesday, October 4, 2023

September Reflections


Heat Wave Returned

Labor Day weekend saw a return of 90+* temps. It cooled down rather nicely. I have been able to get some “porch time” practically every day. We did not have much rain last month.

A Notification I Received

In my email, I received notification that the publisher I have been reviewing books for it’s Book Influencer (Review) program has chosen NOT to continue that program. Then on the 23rd, I received a review-book from a subsidiary of that company. I had forgotten I had requested one. I am reading it and will review it.

Lack of Sleep

One Tuesday night this month I got absolutely no sleep. I got up, checked something out on my computer, fixed my breakfast early and waited for the alarm on my phone to go off. When it rang, I snuggled down to try to get some sleep. After 90 minutes, the phone rang. I was not nice to the caller. All told that day, I had three episodes of not being nice all due to a lack of sleep. So much for having a Quiet Spirit! (These instances of not getting any sleep until the early morning is getting old.)

Time to prepare for Winter

Mid-month, we had our window unit air conditioners taken out. This ritual got me in a brief house-cleaning mood. I have wanted to do certain things but really didn’t feel up to it! We also got our furnace serviced for the fall. (And not too soon!)

Jim’s Birthday

Jim had a birthday toward the end of the month. He turned 79, (Shhh, don’t tell him I told.) Roger was coming home for part of the weekend before. He couldn’t get out of the town where he lives-too much road construction. Roger came home the following weekend.

The Ecumenical Women’s Group

The third Monday of September, the group met at my church. That made me the “hostess”. I was unable to attend our church’s women’s group early in the month. I asked the Office Administrator to announce it and to add that I would like to see some familiar faces. I received some help from my best friend, who no longer attends there. And two other ladies helped me get things together. At each meeting there is a light breakfast. The host church provides the food for that. The group’s president had COVID and couldn’t be there. My Best friend, the vice-president was in charge. She asked me to give a devotion. I used two scriptures (Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:6-8) In her talk she happened to use the Matthew passage.(We believe the Holy Spirit was working.)

We had a discussion about the Outreach Ministries in each church that was represented. We were impressed by the number of ministries of each church. I created a list for the members to have.

Prayer Point Person

As prayer point person for my church, I sat in on a Zoom meeting for our Provisional Annual Conference. We heard a pastor speak on prayer. Over the years he has written several books. He made some very good points. I ordered four of his books. (I found them at reasonable prices.) I am seriously looking at one to be used as a study guide for our church. I have been reading that one. The other three I left with the pastor.

Searching for WOTY 2024

I am searching for my word for the year for 2024. My one requirement in the past has been that it be a word found in scripture. I intend to keep that requirement.

Lymphedema Advocacy Group

The group members had the opportunity to share ideas with the CMS (Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services). This was a time for public input before the Lymphedema Treatment Act becomes active and Medicare will cover the compression items for those who need them. There were 75 of our advocates who sent their thoughts to CMS. I was one of them. There also were several professional groups who work with Lymphedema patients who also commented on the issue.

Until next time! Peace and blessings to you and yours.


  1. You had a very busy September, Cecelia! I'm impressed that you are already searching for your WOTY so early. No doubt, you will let us know when you choose one or it chooses you. Happy Birthday to Jim!

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for the kind words. I don't always feel that I am that busy until I write the reflections. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. A busy September month Cecelia and your husband is getting towards 80! Wow. I just turned 61 this week. I am glad you enjoyed porch time, I am trying to picture you :)


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Thou Shalt Not Murder

  As a general rule, I do not comment on news events happening in our world. This post is an exception. Earlier this winter, a man w...