Friday, November 10, 2023

Be Thankful, Bless His Name


Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,

And into His courts with praise.

Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.

                                                            Psalm 100:4 <NKJV)

How we enter God’s house can forecast what we get out of the worship experience.

If we have been rushed and are frazzled because of that fast pace, we will not receive what God wants to give us.

I once read that our days actually begin the night before. If we have a time of restlessness at night, we could have a difficult day on the following day. I am attempting to work on this condition in my life.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,

Yes, we must enter God’s house with a thankful attitude. We serve a God who loves us.

                                * He saved us from our sins.

                                * He has been extremely good to us.

                                * He may have brought us through some very difficult times.

And into His courts with praise.

When we enter God’s sanctuary, we must give praise to Him.

                            * Praise Him that we got to His house safely.

                            * Praise Him that we are healthy enough to be in His sanctuary.

                            * Praise Him for those others who are able to be there.

                            * Greet those who are there.

                            * Greet those who are visiting. Make them feel welcome.

Be thankful to Him and bless His name.

                         * We must give thanks for each gift God has given us.

                        * We must give God thanks for those things He allowed that we thought were

                            difficult issues that we learned from those circumstances.

                        * We must bless His Name because of all He has done for us. We do not deserve                                         anything from God, except death and, yet, He has given us eternal life.


  1. I believe in living every day with an attitude of gratitude, Cecelia. God's blessings are too numerous to count!

  2. I left a comment here yesterday, Cecelia. I guess it didn't take??? Anyway, I loved this post, my friend. We should always be grateful for all the blessings God gives us.

  3. Martha Jane: Thank you for your concern. I have found that we are to be thankful for things that most people would consider insignificant. We owe everything to God. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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In the Light of His Countenance

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