Friday, December 1, 2023

November Reflections


Writing Efforts

I have posted a few of my blog posts on a forum that I am on. One in particular received a reply that hs given me some hope

that I might be able to find a market for my writing.

Journaling Scriptures

For my devotional time. I journal scriptures that help me as I study certain themes that I see in my reading of my Bible. Lately, my journaling has been on passages dealing with the Holy Spirit.

Our Anniversary

We got married 55 years ago this past month (November). We tried to get a new Dogwood tree to replace the one we have (it’s dying) but the nursery does not carry them in the winter. Plan B did not pan out either. Instead, Jim bought me a framed picture to go on a wall in our kitchen. Plus, we went out to eat the day before. (The weather was to be better than the actual anniversary day.) Also, he got me a bouquet of roses and a bag of my favorite chocolates.

WOTY 2023

As you know, my word for the year has been “Forgive” and its allied words. I happened to find a small book among some things. This book was called, Why The Nativity? It’s written by David Jeremiah. In the last chapter, I found two things that, I hope, will stay with me forever. Read about it here.

Sometimes, I remember something in my past that I did that I shouldn’t have. Now, I know where it comes from and also that Jesus has truly forgiven me.

We Are Getting New Neighbors

There is a house across the street from us that was abandoned almost 2 ½ years ago.

There was a crew working on it all month in May. It has been listed for sale all summer long. One day we noticed a commercial truck sitting nearby. On an earlier day, I saw a man measuring the house and the lot. After that I saw a truck from one of the cable television companies. There was a ladder leaning up the side of the house. This excites me because I have prayed for that house and that God find someone to love it.

A Blessing

We had our ecumenical women’s group meeting. I went to it by myself. One lady had to go with her husband to a follow-up appointment and a lady from church had some work on her home that had to be rescheduled. While I was there, I met two women from my childhood days-grade school. Although I am of a different race than they, we had a very blessed time. One of them connected me with a lady I had worked with. All in all, I felt very blessed.

Holiday Luncheon

Our church women’s group met for a holiday luncheon at a local restaurant that sits on the edge of our municipal golf course. The activity was held on one of the last nice days were to have. Needless say that the golfers and the other diners were there in droves. Most of the parking spots were taken. I had to ‘cruise’ the parking area twice. We had a very nice luncheon.

Community Thanksgiving Dinner

Each year, except 2020, my church has hosted a Community Thanksgiving Dinner on the Tuesday of that week. This year, we served about 600 meals. The serving lines were steady. I worked at the “take-out” line. I only worked one hour, however, I have never seen such a steady line of people. The whole fellowship hall was filled. Some would leave and more people would take their place.

Winter is Upon Us

We had rain on Sunday after Thanksgiving. Roger tried tp get on the road ahead of the rain but the weather got worse as he went south. By last Tuesday, we were “colded in’ with temps in the teens. Northern Indiana and states across the Great Lakes region received several inches of snow. We were blessed to receive rain.

My Christmas Project

A friend from church calls Bingo at a local nursing home. She has a sister who is a resident there. She asked our church to provide Bingo prizes because the activity fund was drastically cut. I felt the need to do something special for Christmas. Here is the result of my efforts.


I shopped for gift bags and tried to find stuffed animals; I had to bulk order them. I needed 30 of them. I also purchased lip balm to add to each gift bag.

This is the key ring Jim bought for me when we were in Seymour back in the summer.


Peace and blessings to you any yours.


  1. So enjoyed reading about all the blessed activities you enjoyed in November, Cecelia. Happy Anniversary, too!
    God bless!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Too bad the original plans didn't work out, but glad you had a good celebration. I have been hearing a lot about the book Why the Nativity but haven't read it yet. I saw on the news something about a 'lake effect snow storm'. Glad you only got rain!

    1. Cindy: Thank you for the wishes. I enjoy David Jeremiah's writings. This is one of his best, at least I think so. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. What a wonderful post. Happy 55th Anniversary! You are ahead of us by a year. It doesn't seem possible, does it? Where have the years gone? I am happy that you will soon be getting some new neighbors. I hope and pray they will be good neighbors to you. May God bless your friendship with them. Praying with you regarding your writing efforts, etc. All in all, so many positive things here today. Thank you, and have a blessed December!

    1. Pam: Thank you for your wishes. I also don't know where the time has gone. I need to find the time when I feel good to at least go introduce myself to the new neighbors. Thank you for your prayers for my writing efforts and the other things I want to do. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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