Friday, January 5, 2024

Rest In the Lord


Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him.

Do not fret because of him who

prospers in his way,

Because of the man who brings wicked

schemes to pass.

Cease from anger and forsake wrath,

Do not fret—it only causes harm.

Psalm 37:7-8 (NKJV)

Words of David

Rest in the Lord

Relax, do not get upset, Do not get overly excited.

wait patiently for Him.

Be patient; waiting is a learned response. We are not born with the ability to wait.

Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way,

We are given excellent advice here. We are not to worry about things that really do not concern us. Even if some action affects us, if we are not directly involved in the issue, we are not to worry about it. If someone we know prospers, we should be happy for them and remember that reverses do happen.

Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass.

We are not to worry about those who choose to concoct evil things into our lives. IT is a fact of life that there are people who choose to do devastating things to others as Christians, we are to be bigger than that.

Cease from anger and forsake wrath,

David tells us to stop being angry and to not pursue ‘getting even’ with those who cause us hurt. We are NOT to act like children on the school playground.

Do not fret—it only causes harm.

As a child, I seemed to be one that took all things to heart. I worried about everything to the point of crying. My mother told me innumerable times that I needed to stop it or I would make myself sick. I seemed to grow out of it. Until I was middle-aged. I went through some difficult adult things. Then a Christian friend told me the very same thing. I took my friend’s words to heart. I am so thankful that I relearned that lesson.


  1. The same could be said about me as I was growing up, Cecelia. Yes, patience is a learned quality of character, and since becoming a Christian, it has made a world of difference in my life. May we all be quick to love and forgive.

    1. Martha Jane; I know learning patience has made a huge difference in my life. I also find I do not get rattled about things that used to bother me. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. It sounds so easy, 'Do not fret'. But I know it can creep up on you. I love Psalm 37, thanks for sharing and reflecting on it. I just replied to your previous post as well. Greetings.

    1. Marja: It does sound easy. If we know the LORD, and have experienced Him, it becomes easier. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Yes, learning to REST in the Lord is not always as easy as it sounds. Especially when we want things to happen NOW, the way WE want them to happen...but when we learn to rest in HIM, we can trust Him to bring all things to pass exactly as they should, and we don't need to fret. I spent a sleepless night last night worrying about things I didn't need to worry about, and this morning I laid it all at Jesus' feet and He helped me to sit back and REST in Him, and I was able to get up and finish a task that I was dreading doing...and now it is done and I am at peace with it. Thank You, Lord!! Thank you for this post. Good reminder today.

    1. Pam: I understand what you went through. We have a wonderful Savior who bears ALL our burdens, all we have to do is give them to Him and allow Him to work them out. Please pray for my friend Martha, her husband has a biopsy scheduled for the end of the month. They know he has cancer. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. Thank you soooo much! I love it to read on your blog.

    1. Aritha: Thank you for your warm comment. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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