Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Father God, We Trust You


'''Trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all you do and He will direct your paths. Proverbs 3:5-6 (NKJV)

On the afternoon of January 29th, 2024, our church office put out a prayer request for our pastor who was in the ICU. His wife had taken him to the ER. The entire church received the same message.

I texted his wife with a prayer that evening. I called my best friend for prayer. I received a call from a young woman who had heard of the pastor’s circumstance.

On Tuesday, January 30, the pastor’s wife texted me to with an update. Pastor had had a mild stroke.

Since last July, we are in a new denomination. During our Mustard Seed prayer time, I was told to add a certain name to our prayer list. It was a name I did not recognize. I asked who he was. He is going to be our interim pastor. (In one day’s, time the district had arranged for someone to come in and carry out Pastor Rick’s duties.) I like the way this has been handled.

One of the men in our local church volunteered to bring us a message this past Sunday. So, things are going on.

I found myself telling God that I knew we had to trust Him for the outcome, and we will. I find myself telling Him that for some of my personal issues and now for this circumstance facing the church.

I believe God knew Pastor and his wife, Cheryl would have this circumstance enter their lives. I also believe that they will trust the Lord, implicitly.

My best friend once told me she trusted God implicitly. I am learning that I can, like her, trust God without reservation. As I have shared with some in a Facebook group, I believe God chose this word “trust” for me for this year. I learn something about it each week.


  1. That's good news for your congregation, Cecelia. I will continue to pray for Rick and Cheryl. God continue to bless you!

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for your prayers. Two specialized rehab centers have denied him. We are not sure why. Cheryl can't seem to get anyone to answer her question.

  2. How is your Pastor doing now? I know his road to recovery will be long and difficult. So glad your district leaders stepped in and found you an interim right away. Continuing in prayer for your church, your pastor and your interim pastor. Yes, we often learn about "TRUST" through difficult times, but when we know Jesus, we know we are in good hands always. (((Hugs))) to you and your church family.

    1. Pam: Pastor Rick is somewhat better, but still has a way to go. The hospital staff can't find a specialized rehab place that will take him. Cheryl does not know why. Please continue to pray for them.

  3. I'm so sorry to hear about your pastor's stroke. I hope that they have found the right rehab place for him now.

    1. Lisa: Thank you for your concern. He is going to be released from intensive therapy at a hospital in a nearby town this Friday. We don't know how long before he will be able to or feel like preaching. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I would be honored to hear what you think about this.


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