Friday, March 22, 2024

Fervent Love



And above all things have fervent love for one another,

for “love will cover a multitude of sins’

1 Peter 4:8 (NKJV)

Words of Peter

When we worship God in a corporate setting, we unite with our fellow worshipers to praise Him, to seek His guidance, to encourage others.

Peter tells his readers, then and now, that they and we are to love each other fervently.

Just what does fervently mean?

Webster’s New World Dictionary tells me that fervent means: Showing very warm or strong feeling; intense; ardent, as in a fervent appeal for help.

We have those times when we show love for one another through prayer, through visiting, through sending a card.

We have times when our prayers must be fervent,

*When there is an urgent need for God to intervene.

*When we need His guidance about an issue or circumstance.

*When we are asked to intercede for a friend.

Our church has had a time of fervently praying for our pastor and his wife. A couple from our church who reside in another state are facing a serious medical situation for which they will be returning to our town for medical treatment. This couple will receive, and has already received, fervent prayers from those that know and love them.

Father God: Please guide us through those times when we ae to be fervent in our love and in our prayer life. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen


  1. Fervent is a great word that reflects so much passion and urgency. May all our prayers be like that!
    Blessings, Cecelia!


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