Wednesday, May 8, 2024

April Reflections


See-Saw Weather

I know that April is not fully spring weather. I was privileged to get some on my porch for two whole days about mid-month. We had several nice days mixed in with the showers that April is known for. I sat out here as I started this post, getting a jump on the predicted temperature for today. Supposed to be in the 60’s, upper 60’s.

News about Pastor Rick

PR had a seizure about three weeks after he was released from the intensive therapy hospital. On the next Sunday, he gave the morning prayer in both services. Later that week, he had a doctor appointment. His wife and some family members went out to eat after that. PR had a brief accident and was taken to the hospital, thinking he had pneumonia. Later that same day, Pneumonia was ruled out. The doctor told his wife it could be something more severe. Later that was ruled out. He had to have surgery to correct an internal problem. He’s home now.

Interim Pastor Ill

Our interim pastor, been with us since February. He called the church office telling them that he had COVID. One of our laity spoke on the last Sunday of April. We weren’t sure if he would be able to be with us on the first Sunday in May. He was able to be with us and serve communion.


I have not been writing, even journaling, as much as I did. I have tried to begin to journal more regularly than I have been. I am working on a couple of ideas for articles to submit somewhere.


One Sunday afternoon near the end of the month, I received a message through Facebook. It was a group message asking for prayers for a woman who used to attend our church. Her daughter was found dead at her own house. I don’t feel I can share the details that I know, but the mother needs prayer; Her name is Gina. I wrote about some of this in a blog post- “Is Anything That Bad?”

Until next time.


  1. I will continue to pray for Gina and her family in their time of severe sorrow. May God comfort them and give them peace of mind and heart. Sorry to hear about the difficulties/illnesses of your Pastor and Interim Pastor. May God bring strength and healing to them both, and may your church be blessed and strengthened during this difficult time. I hope you start having some nice spring weather soon. It is much too hot here in Florida already, and we pray for some cooler temps, but today was supposed to reach 95. It feels like it did. And it is very dry, so we need some of those "spring showers". I hope you are able to do more writing as the Lord directs you. Sometimes we have to take a step back and let the Lord give us new inspiration. I go through those spells and have to take some time to "regroup" and spend more time with the Lord to have my inner spirit renewed. I pray God will give you a fresh wind of His Spirit.
    have a blessed week and month of May!

    1. Pam: Thank you for your warm thoughts. As I type this, my
      thermometer reads 62 degrees. It looks cloudy outside. I will be going to Bible Study in about a half an hour. Our state was under severe storm warnings. even tornado warnings on Tuesday night. The storms went to the north of us and to the south of us. Thank you for your friendship. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Thank you for this April recap, Cecelia. I will continue to pray for Pastor Rick and his wife, and add Gina to the list. May God continue to heal and comfort them!

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for your willingness to pray for my friends. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. Nice recap Celcilia, thank you for sharing the summary of your experiences in April. It's understandable that sometimes you may be less active online, as life often presents us with various demands.

    Sometimes, I choose to express our thoughts and feelings in a diary, away from the screen, where I can cultivate a (bit) deeper connection with ourselves. I'll take a moment today to pray for you. Time flies; it's already May 13th. How are you doing now?

    My blog:

    1. Aritha: Thank you for your thoughtful comments. Life is picking up here. I find myself getting busy trying to arrange things for the spring and summer activities. God is good, All the time. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. I have been behind with reading blogs (due to our travels) but I am always happy to read your monthly reflections. Thank you. It came to my mind that we need periods of rest to empty ourselves so God can fill us up again with ideas and promptings to write. Rest Cecelia, and do not worry!

    1. Marja: Thank you for your kind thoughts. I seem to live one day at a time. So thankful that you are able to travel for the LORD. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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