Wednesday, June 5, 2024

May Reflections

W.I.P. (Work in Progress)

I have a project I started recently. It is rather involved. I am changing my wardrobe from winter to spring/summer clothes. I am also getting some of those clothes ready for a rummage sale at church. In order to get them ready, I need to clean them-some are machine washable, some are dry-clean only.

The rummage sale is scheduled for Jun 20-22. I sorted the items into piles and got some ready to take to the dry-cleaners and to the laundry mat. This may take awhile.

In the middle of all this, Roger was planning to come home for Mother’s Day. But he wasn’t feeling well. So, we planned on him coming home the following week.

In the late afternoon on Mother’s Day, our phone rang, the person calling was a woman who, due to her health, no longer is able to attend our church. A friend of her’s was being admitted to the hospital located down the street from our home. She asked me if I could go down and check on this friend. The friend is one of the church’s congregants.

I was able to go down there on Sunday evening and on Monday around noon. Tuesday and Wednesday were not good days for me. I called and checked on my ill friend.

Thursday, I went to Bible Study and set out the prayer vigil sign-up sheets before we had our time of study. After the study, I called the lady who has stayed with our sick friend to find out how things were.

Update: Progress stalled.

VBS Planning

Our Children’s Ministries Director has dates for VBS.We will have VBS on July 8th, 9th and 10th. We are creating our own theme and will decorate accordingly. We are planning to reuse some of the decorations from past Bible Schools. Our Children’s Ministries Director is new this year and has not done this before. His name is Steve; please pray for him.

Weekly Bible Study

I decided at the first of the year to start attending the Thursday morning Bible Study at church. Between the January and Februry weather, needing a plumber on a Thursday, and both of us being sick, I finally go to attend the first week in May. I enjoyed the fellowship as well as the study.

One thing the Bible Study does is from time to time send cards to the shut-ins, to those missing, and to those on the church staff. Also condolence cards to those who have recently lost a loved one.

They did a special project last Christmas that this year they opened it to the whole church. We were given a new pillow case and asked to purchase small items as we find them and fill the pillow case with these items, things children would like, for Christmas. The items will be available at a school’s food pantry and at our church’s food panty in December.

At the end of each Bible Study session, we receive a small card on which we write our names. A gentleman takes them up and he allows us to choose one card. We pray for that person for a week.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day slipped up on me this year. Have not gotten things done that I planned on doing. (Man makes plans but God calls the moves.)

School’s Out, etc.

At the end of May, our city schools will be out for a two month summer vacation. One of the ministries in our city is already collecting school supplies for the upcoming year. One of the men at church works in this ministry. We, as a church have been asked to donate school supplies to this effort.


  1. You have been busy and have a lot going on in the future as well. I love that your church is having a kind of mini VBS. I know the children will love it. Our church has not done VBS I guess because we really don't have that many children in our church, but also because there are other larger churches in our little town who do VBS and are better equipped with workers and space to open it to the whole community of children. So we pray for them to have successful ministries. I hope your neighbor is feeling better. I hope you have a pleasant summer. It sure got here fast! Take care my friend.

    1. Pam: It has been an interesting year thus far. We still have an interim pastor. He had some minor surgery this week. Our Annual Conference has been this week. Pastor Rick wasn't able to go, as I hear it. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. It sounds like your church is highly involved in the community, Cecelia, and that's a wonderful thing that all of us should do in our own backyards. This is a good time, too, to sort through clothes and give away those we no longer need nor wear. God bless you and your church!

    1. Martha Jane: Some of us are. I haven't been able to since I fell just before COVID shutdown. Since I have had breast cancer, the energy-level is very low. Thank you for your kind words. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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