Thursday, July 11, 2024

June Reflections

Road Trip              

 My husband is from the south central part of our state. His family moved up here after this junior year of high school. That class has a reunion just about every year. This year, he decided to go. We only stayed for part of it. We had a very nice time. However there were some he didn’t get to visit with. 

Father’s Day

Roger came up for part of the weekend. I had to choose not to attend anopen house for a lady from church as she turned 99. He family had an open house at her home. Also, a lady in our church lost a sister and the family had a memorial service at church. I had been in contact with her several times during her sister’s last days. I contacted her and let her know that I couldn’t attend the service.

Street Repairs 

 Our street has been getting repaired since June 7th, the people doing the work are doing it “piece-meal”. They are patching places that a utility company created in an updating of their service to their customers. The latest project is replacing areas of sidewalk, repairing drive-way approaches, and paving the street where the original company had to dig up the street. 

Vacation Bible School Preparation

We have a new Children’s Ministry Director this year. We got a very late start in planning. We created our own theme and recycled decorations. More about this next month. 

Pastor Rick and Cheryl

At the end of June, Pastor Rick formally went on a Medical Leave. This as their decision. They talked to medical people and to those in our Conference. When he told the congregation, he said he would be working on getting back to where he was (100%) in the next eight to twelve months. In the meantime, we will still have Pastor Stephen Ellis as our pastor. 


 I have not done much writing this month. I didn’t feel up to doing any. Please forgive me for this. Time just seems to slip away from me. I am now writing a column for our church newsletter, actually passing on information from the conference prayer network to the congregation.


  1. Sounds like a busy month with a lot going on. Glad you got to visit with your son, and also that you and your hubby made it to his class reunion! Praying for your Pastor and wife as he recuperates, and also for your interim pastor as he continues to carry the load of the church and keep things going. Glad you were able to have a VBS, and I hope it was a success! Sometimes writing has to take a back seat while we are busy making memories and carrying on the work God calls us to do! That's okay!! It also gives you more writing material for the future! LOL. Have a good month and try to stay cool!

    1. Pam: Thank you for your warm comment. Thanks also for your prayers. Peace and blessings for you and yours.

  2. You have, and continue to have, a lot on your plate, Cecelia, so I understand about not blogging/writing as often as you would like. Take care of yourself and your husband; first things first!

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for your thoughtful comments. God has been taking care of us. Peace and blessings for you and yours.

  3. Hi Cecelia, June went by fast. And yes, sometimes we write, sometimes we don't. No need to beat yourself up about that. I am sure inspiration will come when needed. Enjoy your summer!

    1. Marja: Thank you for your kind thoughts. Peace and blessings for you and yours.


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How Do We Pray?  if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wi...