Friday, June 28, 2024

Where are Our Eyes?

As I look at the world, both secular and Christian, I see a lot of turmoil. I have come to expect this from the secular world. Even then, those in that sphere try to hide their thoughts and make those watching believe that all is as it should be.

Right now, I see and hear of things transpiring among Christians that cause me to wonder, "Where are their eyes?" Are they looking at themselves or are the truly looking to Jesus and seeking His guidance.I

I cannot give particulars, nor do I want to.  When we give our hearts over to Jesus, we ask Him to guide us through the issues that come up in our lives. 

On several different occasions, I have heard people say, "COVID really changed how we respond to others, or how we do things." We need to get our eyes off COVID and get our eyes back on Jesus. I am just as guilty of using excuses for not doing what God has intended for me to do in following Him.

I know He will forgive me. I just hope I can forgive myself.


  1. Such a beautiful and meaningful hymn, Cecelia. May we continue to keep our eyes focused upon our Lord and Savior, knowing that He will one day put all to rights.

    1. Martha Jane: Thank you for your thoughtful comment. Sometimes, I have to remind myself that we are to look to Jesus and not to those around us. Yesterday was one of those days. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Oh, I love that hymn, Cecilia. We sing it most Sunday mornings when the young acolyte comes forward to light the candle, ushering in "The Light of Christ", at the beginning of the worship service. Other weeks we may sing "Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path". It's a very special moment, and we are always so proud to see one of our young people taking a turn to light the candle. They seem to really look forward to being able to become a part of the worship service in that way. Yes, I do understand what you are talking about, using excuses to keep us from doing what we know in our hearts we ought to do. The older I get the more excuses I seem to find, although some may be legitimate ones...I just don't have the same abilities I used to have and it frustrates me somewhat...and then again, sometimes I am glad to have an excuse to bow out of something because of my "age". May God forgive me. Good message today.

  3. Pam: Thank you for your comments. We all have times when we feel we cannot do as we did in the past. I am just beginning to try to be a little more active in church. God is guiding me as I try to decide what to do and how to do a job for the church and for our district and conference. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. Tracy: Thank you for stopping by. Also thank you for your very kind thoughts. Stop in whenever you can. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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