Saturday, August 10, 2024

Trust Fall


Rick Warren Quote

I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20 (NKJV)

This is another entry based on the devotional we are studying in Sunday school,

Finding Soul Rest by Curtis Zachary.

In this section, he talks of times when a person stands on an elevated level and turns his or her back to those on the ground and falls backwards into the arms of those standing below.

I have never done this and I doubt that I ever will. When I first read his thoughts, I thought of Charlie Brown and Lucy Van Pelt and her holding the football until the last second and then pulling it away. We all know the result of this maneuver—Charlie Brown falls on his back.

A fairly young woman in our class said she only trusts God. My own thoughts are that certain people I know have a strange sense of humor and would think it funny to do something similar to Lucy. Therefore, I have chosen not to try this exercise, ever.

I am learning to trust God with more of my life. This has been a very good word for me to study this year.

When I called my Sunday school leader about my thoughts on this particular devotion. She remembered that trust was my word for this year.

Trusting God helped me to stay calm when I was working to get registrations for Vacation Bible School. We had a small school but it was a good one.

Our church congregation is trusting God to heal our pastor who is on medical leave until at least next February. He seems to be improving each time I see him. He and his wife come to Sunday services and have returned to our Thursday morning Bible Study when they can.


I like acronyms. This is one of my favorites.



Upon the



The Makeup of Trust

What do we know about how to trust God?

Sometimes we ‘say’ we trust Him but turn right around and do something our way; we don’t wait on Him.

We have to have patience in order to wait for God to remedy our concern. There are times the Lord has to teach us something before He is ready to take care of our request.

We sometimes have to wait for God to answer our prayers because we may have asked for something that He knows we are not supposed to have or not ready to have.


  1. Trusting in God is a daily exercise for me, Cecelia. I recommit to Him each morning and pray that I would do His will throughout the day.
    Blessings and thank you for your thoughts here today!

    1. Martha Jane: Yes, it is a daily exercise. We all must commit to trusting Him each day because only He knows what that day will bring. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. Amen to all of this! His ways are higher than our ways and if we believe He is who He says He is, we've got to believe He will do what we ask, in HIS timing, for His glory. He is not constrained by time, He created time. He always has our best interest in mind. (So thankful you're seeing improvement in your pastor.)

    1. Cindy: Thank you for your kind thoughts. We do have to trust God for all He gives us. Even when we feel He is not answering our prayers, we have to have faith. He works on His own timing. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  3. I love this post about TRUST. Trusting God is something we learn as we live and see that He is always trust worthy. The more the have faith in Him, the more we learn to Trust Him with even bigger things in our lives. It's a constant growing process. We didn't start out life with big amounts of trust. It had to be learned. And sometimes in life the tests of our faith just keep getting harder and harder, but God is still faithful and trust worthy. He does not change. So we can rely on Him. Great post today. made me do something thinking too!

    1. Pam: This has been a wonderful word for me. I still am finding it in my reading of other things. I am reminded of this word when things start to go bad for me. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  4. LOVE that acronym for TRUST, Cecilia! I'm copying that into my journal--thank you!

    1. Nancy: Thank you for your kind thought. This acronym has truly helped me trust Him more each day. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  5. Totally Relying Upon the Savior’s Timing... I like that Cecelia. Thank you for this post, something to think about!

    1. Marja: Thank you for your kind words. I find myself doing just that these days. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  6. Trusting in the Lord can certainly be a very painful exercise, and to completely trust someone enough to fall back into their arms takes a lot of faith too! Trust and faith work hand in hand. I enjoyed your thoughts and the insights from the book on Trust. We all have so much to learn! I like that acronym too. It is all about His timing and trusting that it will be just as it needs to be. Many blessings to you Cecelia!

    1. Marilyn: When we first accept Jesus as our LORD, trust is almost foreign to us. As we learn more of Him and His ways, we learn to place our faith in Him and trust Him with everything. We have to be patient with ourselves as we go through the process. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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