Monday, November 4, 2024

October Reflections 

October Weather

We had all kinds of weather here in Indiana. The leaves were interesting; some changed colors and some stayed green. Some just fell off their limbs due to the drought. I collected some to show when I had Children’s Moments. I may do something for a Thanksgiving wreath.

Pastor Rick’s Message

On October 27th. Our pastor chose to celebrate his birthday by sharing with the congregation his story about his stroke. He told his version and every once in a while his wife, Cheryl, told what really went on.

He told of incidents that some people did not know about.

Our Church as a Voting Center

Our church has been used as an early voting center for some time, General and Primary elections. This election, people have to stand in line. The first day, the people had to stand in line for an hour and 45 minutes. One day they had 1,000 people vote, on two other days they had 500.

Re-Reading a Devotional Book

I have a special devotional book that I have gotten back into. <I>disciplines for the inner life</I> compiled by Michael Benson Sr. and his son. Michael Benson. What brought me back to it was my searching for thoughts on prayer. (It is my desire to have a prayer retreat in late spring of 2025.)

Getting Back to Regular Blogging

I plan on getting back to regular blogging this month (November). Just been on the lazy side. I have had personal concerns and concerns about my family and my church.

A spiritual experience

Right near the end of October, I received a phone call from our son. He had to see a specialist due to some lab results that came back. I felt very confused about all that seemed to be going on around me. I was looking up scriptures on prayer. Romans 8:26 came ro me. How the Holy Spirit will go to the Lord on our behalf.

I texted a few of my friends and asked them to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help me. (Praise the LORD!) My mind and my heart cleared as I received responses from my friends that they were praying.

Two days later, our son called me and told me that the issue he faced can be treated by medication.


  1. Such wonderful news about your son, Cecelia! The power of prayer never ceases to amaze me. It's so good to read your blog today and know what has been happening in your life during October. God bless always!

    1. Martha Jane: God is good. ALL the time. Peace and blessings to you and yours.

  2. I hope your son is doing well, and I will continue to pray. I appreciate your posts and your words of inspiration and also a kind of exhortation to pray and study God's Word more. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.

  3. Despite various happenings, it sounds like October was a good month Cecelia. Friends praying for you, a good doctor's report for your son, ideas for children service's, a desire for a prayer retreat and much more. Thank you for your reflections.

    1. Marja: Thank you for your kind words. Some days, I feel very bereft of good things. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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