Wednesday, August 11, 2010


“Remember Jesus Christ,

raised from the dead,

descended from David.

This is my gospel,”

2 Timothy 2:8

I had a bad week last week, people in the world controlled our days. In the process of going through preoperative procedures for my husband’s upcoming surgery, we had problems at every turn. Things I believe should not have happened. In the days this week we continue to be at risk of having other people (medicals) in control of our life.

The scripture I found Saturday morning, spoke to me, My Life Application notes in my Bible told me that Paul stated that Jesus was fully God and fully man.

These phrases set me to thinking. If Jesus was fully man, wouldn’t he experience all the emotions we do? Did our Lord ever have a bad day?

We read of Him clearing the temple. (anger?) He saw followers walk away. (frustration?) His response to the woman who was caught in adultery showed His Father’s love.

The last day Jesus lived constituted a bad day for Him, judged, flogged, beaten, humiliated, and mocked. He took upon himself all the sins of the world in order that we wouldn’t die because of ours. He did this with a willing heart, He did it for us. Put another way, He chose to. We should take Paul’s advice and remember who Jesus is. Everybody ought to know Him.

In Sunday School this past weekend, my teacher touched on the ‘fully God, fully man’ thought based on a passage written by Paul to the Philippians. I guess, I needed to ponder these thoughts.


  1. I am so thankful GOD understands my frustrations! Praying for both you and your hubby.

  2. OH, dear. I know Jesus had bad days, and life in general did not treat Him well! I will pray things get better for you, dear.



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