Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Golden Rule and Me

“So in everything, do to others as you would want them to do to you.”

 Matthew 7:12
If you haven't read
 "consider-golden-rule-rjd-20.", go back and read it.

               We received word that a young relative’s boyfriend had succumbed to Cancer. Hubby’s sister wanted us to go to the funeral with her. I had qualms about attending. The young relative chose to live differently than we.

               I was drawn to my Bible. I found the Golden Rule; it had to be a “God- thing”. I found it in 2 gospels, Matthew and Luke. I compared the verses and noticed the beginning phrase-“So, in everything,”

               I thought about how I couldn’t say to or do the right things, the “Christian” things for my church family and neglect or treat my family with disdain when there was a need.

               We felt the need to attend this funeral, got ready, and headed out the door. The leaves looked greener than I had ever seen them. The lawns had lushness like I had never seen before. I thanked God for his teaching me the lesson that I learned that morning.

               Each time the Golden Rule comes to mind, I think of the first phrase- “So in everything,”   



  1. When faced with a decision like yours, I like to remember this verse:

    "But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us."
    —Romans 5:8, New International Version

    Jesus hated our sin, yet He loved us sinners so much that He suffered and died for us. The phrase, "Hate the sin, love the sinner" isn't in scripture, but for me it paraphrases Romans 5:8.

    I always enjoy reading your blog posts, Quietspirit. God bless you for sharing them!

    1. Thank you, Jean. We all have to remember we were sinners before the Lord drew us to Him. I like the phrase-"sinner, saved by grace." It reminds me of my fallen state before He saved me.

  2. That's an excellent point! Thank you for highlighting it, QS.

    1. Thank you, Rhonda. I have found that it makes a difference in what I say to people who are in tough situations.


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