Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hidden Blessings

Count Your Blessings Month



“Bind up the testimony and seal up the law among the disciples

I will wait for the LORD, who is hiding his face from the house of Jacob

I will put my trust in him.” Isaiah 8: 16-17 (NIV)


We have times in our lives that can be defined as difficult. A family member or one close to us becomes seriously ill or receives a diagnosis of a life-threatening disease. We have times when someone needs us to do something ‘right then.’ We have to look for something good inside these circumstances that will allow us to see God in all the tumult and trials of our times.

We find out very early in our Christian walk that we are not immune to the foibles of this world. As we grow in the LORD, we learn that He is there with us at all times.

Let’s face it; we live in a fallen world. Perplexing things will happen to us. But, when we know the Lord, we can look for a tiny ray of hope to help us through.

As an exercise, let’s all think of when we faced a trying time in our lives and reflect on the one nugget of hope that got us through the tribulation. For me, I can think of several. But there is one feature common in each of them, God was there with me.

When we hear of friends who are going through rough days, try to give the suggestion to look for the hidden blessing in all they encounter. It might be a time that the only way this can happen is after the fact, but it there can be at least one-maybe more blessing.

I saw this saying on Facebook: “When you are going through something hard and wonder where God is, remember the teacher is always quiet during the test. Trust  in the LORD.


  1. I love that quote above from FB about the teacher being quiet during the test. Trust in the Lord. What a wonderful reminder! Just because we don't HEAR or FEEL God working at the moment doesn't mean He isn't working...yes, we must learn to trust! Thank you for sharing this with us. I would like to share that thought on my facebook page as well. Blessings to you today. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!

    1. Pamela:
      Thank you for stopping in. I fell in love with that quote from FB. It tells me to relax and trust. Last evening, I had to spend a lot of time calling out to the Lord about something. I had asked a friend to pray for me, as I left church. I was home a couple of hours when my cell phone rang. It was the woman who had caused me concern. We talked and she made arrangements so I could pick up what I needed from her today. A little while ago, we had to work out plan "B". But, God's still in control.


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