Friday, November 22, 2013

Eucharisteo-His Grace

“. . . justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.”

                                                                                  Romans 3:24(NIV)

From time to time, we, as God’s children, receive gifts from Him. These are truly gifts because we haven’t asked for them.
God gives those who love Him in return special attention because of His great love for those children. We call this great love grace. It is so special that song writers can only write about it using words like wonderful, greater, marvelous, and indescribable.

As we progress through our Christian walk, we learn the degree of how special God’s grace is to us. When He grants grace to us, God gives us something we don’t deserve-a gift. When He grants us mercy, God withholds something we do deserve.  Both these actions are done at the Lord God’s discretion-he chooses to grant what he gives us.

Grace comes in many forms.One of my favorite forms is prevenient grace; He uses it to draw someone outside the arc of safety to Him. (. . . by grace, you have been saved). God extends grace to call a child he created to become one of His spiritual children.

I give thanks to God for his grace.


  1. Good Morning Cecelia! And his grace is renewed each morning...I love that! I never heard of that term that describes pulling a child into him before. Thanks for teaching me something new!
    God's grace is available to all. I pray that I will remember to ask for it and accept it. It is the power behind my life as a Christian.
    Have a happy Friday!

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your warm thoughts. We serve a God who loves us and walks with us each step we take. Enjoy your weekend.

  2. very interesting. Pondering that term and thought...good and deep thoughts, Cecelia. Enjoying your short but oh, so meaty offering today...think I will chew on it for a bit.

    1. Dawn: Thank you for your kind words. God allows us to reflect on the things we need to.His grace is for each of us.


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