Monday, March 24, 2014

A Servant’s Nature

“. . . but made himself nothing, taking the very nature
of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Philippians 2:7 (NIV)

            “. . . made himself nothing,” Jesus chose to not play up his heavenly position he left for the likes of us. Could we envision it, Jesus telling Mary Magdalene in a haughty attitude that He was the Son of the King and He came down from heaven and all he found were sinners, thieves, and prostitutes? I think not.

            “. . . the very nature of a servant” He came to Earth to save us and to serve us. God planned it for Jesus to preach and to enlarge His Kingdom. But in order to do this, the Son took it upon Himself to serve those who were close to Him.

            God’s children should follow His example. They aren’t to bandy it about that they are Christians. His spiritual children are to let their lives and ways show it. Their beliefs will come through to those to whom they minister.

            It’s the small things in life that seem to matter to people. Jesus rewards people who band together to meet a need. A friend told a group of us that she read a story about a small bunch of people who did an astounding deed. The lesson that came through was “People can do anything, as long as no one cares who gets the credit.” That’s one reason we give glory to God.

            He came to Earth to save us and to serve us. God planned it for Jesus to preach and to enlarge His Kingdom. But in order to do this the Son took it upon Himself to serve those who came across His path. Jesus became a servant to His followers and to us. As we emulate Him we are to learn to serve others.



  1. This is so contrary to how the world teaches us to think. I pray the Lord shows me more each day how to serve and put others first. Thanks so much for this encouraging reminder! .

  2. Karen: Thank you for your kind thoughts. I am reading a book right now that highlights how the world has gotten it wrong when it comes to what should be done to conduct business. I will be reviewing it later on.

  3. It's always easy to serve someone who is sweet and grateful, but to serve someone who's rude and ungrateful is very challenging. Thanks for the encouragement!

    1. Jeanette: You are welcome. Sometimes we have to "work as unto the Lord." ( Sorry,I don't know the reference)

  4. This post ties in with the one on humility. Perfectly.

    1. Rhonda; Thank you. I received your email about the part that didn't post. Electronics are nice, IF they work right..


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