Saturday, May 9, 2015


This past Thursday night, I went down to our basement to get some sheets from the dryer. I fell off the old kitchen chair I keep down there to set clothes baskets on. I leaned back and the chair's left  back leg came off the raised concrete platform. I was thrown to my left, I twisted my back,brushed my side against the end of a sawhorse we have down there.  All I could think was."I don't want to hit my  head." When I landed,I was on my hands and knees.

I  am sore on the left side of my back and have experienced muscle spasms on the left side of my front. When I cough or laugh, it is not fun. I also had to ask a friend from church, "Please don't make me laugh."

I chose not to go to the ER Thursday night because I didn't know how I  could get there. The pain in the back is not as bad as it was. I am using a walker to get around the house--to the kitchen and to the bathroom.

Hubby redid our rock garden in front of our house. I did take the walker out to see it. This was what he wanted to do for Mother's Day. He worked on it for five days and he.also, is stoved up. Son came in early this afternoon. I don't know if we are going to make it to church in the morning. I depends on how I feel.

I don't really know how long I will be unplugged. I intend to see my doctor on Monday.

I wish to  extend Mother's Day greetings to all my friends who  are mothers, stepmothers, or menotors to children. HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!


  1. Oh dear, I am so sorry for the painful mishap! Sounds awful and scary! I pray that you will feel stronger and back to normal soon sweet friend! Happy Mother's Day to you too.

    1. Thank you. I only hurt when I move. Peace and Blessings to you,

  2. Trust you are strengthened as trusting - all is in His hand.


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