Thursday, January 28, 2016

A New Word for 2016

                              “Humble yourselves before The Lord and he will lift you up.”  James 4:10 (NIV)

    This past fall, while I was a resident of a care center for rehabilitation for my broken ankle, I found myself thinking about my ‘one word’ for this year. One evening, my pastor came to visit. I told him I tried to thank the CNA’s even if they picked up a tissue off the floor. I continued to tell him I could not do it for myself. I also told him that being laid up like that was very humbling.

               One day, I made a list of several words that I thought would be good words to use to guide me through the months of this year. After I returned home, I found that list and made my decision.

               In case you cannot figure it out, I chose the word “humble.” Earlier this month, I had a very personal experience that truly did humble me. If I shared it with people, I believe I would come across as boasting; so I refrain from talking about it. God knows the particulars of the story.

               Each year I have chosen one word to be mindful of, I have found that particular word grabs my attention every time I read it or hear it in conversation. I spend time searching the scriptures for my particular word and am never disappointed. Later in the year, I will share scriptures.

               What adventures have you had with one of the words you chose for a particular year?


  1. I love your word, Humble...not because I am an expert at it...I'm still learning about it myself. Seems like one of those words that is a lot like "patience". If you pray for it, you will find your patience will be tried constantly. I pray that your humbling experiences will all be times of blessing and result in joy and renewed faith and strength. My word for 2016 is "Grace", and it is amazing how often it comes to my attention. God's a humbling experience.

    1. Pam: I chose the word "grace" the first year I tried this. Every time I heard the word, I found myself honing in on it.I bought a new cell phone today. It is one way the Lord humbles me. I have to get used to all those bells and whistles. It has already frustrated me. I chose a new number and got one I didn' choose. I can't add numbers and names, YET. I might have no done as I should have. Truly a nhumbling experience.

  2. Hi Cecelia! My word for this year is 'discover'. I hope to see the gifts and graces in my everyday life from God.
    Humble is such a good word. I think it helps when you're faced with a troubling situation (like your cellphone!). Instead of falling into anger, you can choose to see it as an opportunity to be humble. Love that!
    Hope you have a peaceful Sunday,

    1. Ceil: God is good. Anything eletronic, at times, boggles my mind. I purchased a new cellphone this week. It is bluetoothed to our car. That may cause me some trouble because Hubby is computer illerate by choice and can't tolerate extraneous noise. Thank you for stopping by. Blessings on you and yours.

  3. That is a good word to guide you through the year! I haven't settled on one this year yet. It's been crazy busy, and I've not taken the time to think it through. My phrase for last year was "Be brave", so I may let that carry through to this year as well. Thanks so much for the inspiration. Hope you are feeling better as you move forward into the new year. :)

    1. Karen: Thank you for your warm thoughts. I am through with Occupational Therapy. I will know tomorrow if I 'get' to continue with Physical Therapy. We bought a new car this past week and I can't drive as long as I receive therapy. Blessings on you and yours.


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