Friday, March 31, 2017

My World in March

This month has been different. Hubby and I enjoyed the warm days we had in February; March has been a different story.  We have enjoyed the days at the end of last week. Last Friday, the temperature got to 75 degrees. (I call that Florida weather.) I got to spend some time on my porch over the weekend.
Because of the downturn of the weather, I have felt sort of listless. I have begun a book proposal for the collection of meditations I have assembled. Figuring out the target audience is going to be interesting. I also am slowly working the competitive title analysis has been daunting.
A group of people at our church have been working to put together a presentation for Good Friday. I have been assisting the director with some of the plans and the staging. But we hit a glitch with one of my ideas. We will work around that speed bump. When I discovered a problem with what we wanted to do, I talked to the director and we decided we could backup and start again.

April looks to be a bit brighter for me with the Good Friday drama, an evaluation meeting, a Sunday school class party, and a possible trip with Hubby. I will find time to do some work on my de-cluttering and my book proposal. And I hope to get in some quality porch time.

Some scenes from our Good Friday drama
Watching Jesus enter Jerusalem
                                                 The servant girl and Peter in the courtyard

                                                  A Jewish sign painter and a Roman Soldier

                                                               John comforting Mary

                                                   Tying the scenes together, our narrator,


  1. Hi Quiet Spirit - thank you for your visit and we all need to consider and remember others ... Compassion an essential in life. With thoughts - Hilary

    1. Hilary: I live in what once was a medium-sized city. We all need to learn what compassion is. I see it in smaller towns throughout our state.

  2. Your Good Friday program looks really good...excellent costumes, and I am sure the program will be a blessing for all who come to see it. I think it is wonderful that you are active in assisting with this program. I love things like that, and used to do a lot of it when we were in the ministry and working with youth. I do hope your April will be filled with wonderful events and joy...and much porch sitting! It has been too hot and dry here in Florida in March. We are praying for rain and some more spring like temps. Summer came way too soon. I hope you get to take a nice little trip with hubby. That is on my bucket list for sometime soon too...but things keep coming up that keep us from making any real plans. So we just enjoy things around home. God is good no matter what! Watch out for April Fool's pranksters today!!! :)

    1. Thank you, Pam, for your kind thoughts. I have had times when I have felt I didn't do what I should for the Lord. Yesterday, during my devotional time, I received an idea for TWO plays that we may do at church. I published an announcement on Facebook and have received a lot of good response and some shares. I also put it on our church's page. I rarely get shares. God IS good. That trip, will have us going to the Gulf Coast. We can hardly wait.

  3. Hi Cecelia! How exciting to put your creative juices into the church program this way. You will touch so many. And congrats on the progress of your meditations too. You have been busy!
    God bless all your endeavors, and may it bless you too,

    1. Ceil: Thank you for your encouraging thoughts. People at church are responding favorably to the cast pictures I posted on Facebook. I am getting excited now that the weather has been nice today.


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