Friday, April 14, 2017

“I Have Seen the Lord.”

Image result for mary magdalene at jesus tomb
William Brassey Hole via Suzanne Woods Fisher.comAdd caption

Thoughts of Mary Magdalene:

            I returned to the tomb. I couldn’t keep from crying. I wanted to know what the soldiers, or whoever took my Master’s body, did with it.

            After Peter and John departed, I sat at the entrance and sobbed all the harder. Then, I heard a voice ask me why I was crying and who I was looking for.

            I thought it was the gardener. I inquired about the Master’s body—where had they taken it? Then, I heard my name. I looked up and saw Jesus. No one knows the relief I felt. All I could do was call out his name, the name I thought of his as. “Rabboni!

            He talked to me. He asked me to deliver a message to the disciples. I departed to find the disciples to share the wondrous news, "I have seen the Lord!

            Mary went from somber sadness to ecstatic joy. Can we identify with her as we enter into the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection?

       I will be taking a short break from blogging. I will be back on April 24. Hubby and I are going to do something special while I am unplugged. In the meantime, I wish each of you a very Happy Easter.


  1. "I've Just Seen Jesus!, I tell you He's alive!!!" How marvelous this message is that Mary Magdalene brought to His disciples. What glorious news. Thank you for sharing this with us. I hope you have a peaceful, restful, and joyful time away. God bless you, and Happy Easter.

    1. Pam,Thank you for your thoughts. Spring has finally come to central Indians. God is on His throne and,overall, things look good.Peace be with you and yours.

  2. Thanks for sharing this wonderful story of Jesus' first appearance after his resurrection. I've always been thankful and felt it most significant that he appeared first to a woman.
    Have a lovely time on blog break!

    1. Jeanette: You and I think alike. I was taken by the fact that Jesus appeared to a woman several years ago. I occurred to me lately that He chose to appear to one who had been possessed b demons, not someone who had never experienced the down side of life. We had a nice time away. Pictures to come next week.

  3. Hi Cecelia! Happy Easter to you and yours, and enjoy your blog-break! We all need rest and a chance to recharge. May your time off be restful!

    1. Thank you, Ceil, we had a nice trip to Florida. Rested and relaxed. Came home to cold cloudy weather. Should make up appreciate it more.


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