Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Peter, John, and Mary Magdalene

Image result for peter and john at the empty tomb

            John and I saw Mary Magdalene as she ran toward us. I wondered why she hurried so.

            “They have moved the Master’s body and I don’t know what they did with him.”

            John and I took off running toward the tomb. John outran me and arrived there first. Later, he told me, he hesitated at the door. He didn’t want to enter such a personal place.

            I came to the tomb a moment later. I had to see for myself. I brushed past John and entered the tomb. Mary was right. I saw the linen strips lying there. The burial cloth for His head was folded neatly and lying separately from the other pieces. Then John came in. He looked around, as he looked around the tomb, his expression changed.  He told me as we headed back to the city that, when he saw the clothes, he believed what Jesus had told us was true.


  1. I've always thought when I read this story, "They shouldn't have doubted Mary's word!" I am glad they finally came around!
    Blessed, glorious Easter, dear friend,

    1. Jeanette: i find it interesting that you thought that. I think, deep down, I thought the same thing.

  2. What a joyful, even if perplexing, moment in time!!! Would love to have been there. So thankful for the Gospels telling us such great news! He IS RISEN as He said!!!!

    1. Pay, Thank you for your insightful thought. YES, it would have been a special time to witness. I am thankful we have God's inspired VWORD to tell us thesee stories.Peace to you and yours.


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