Monday, April 10, 2017

Joseph of Arimethea

Image result for joseph of arimathea

            I watched as the Roman soldiers took down His body from the cross. The Sabbath drew closer. I sought permission to receive his body. They were going to lay Him on a pile of decaying bones, the remains of others who went through crucifixions. I had to save Him from that despicable end.

            Recently, I, in preparation for my own departure from this world, I had my tomb dug. It only seemed right that Jesus be laid to rest in a tomb rather than on top of a pile of rotting bones. So, I asked for Jesus ’body and placed Him in my tomb.

            Nicodemus, a colleague of mine, purchased a huge quantity of burial spices, 75 pounds in all. He prepared Jesus’ body until the Sabbath began.

             Both Nicodemus and I had been convinced of who Jesus was, however, because we were both members of the Sanhedrin, we had to refrain from saying anything about how we felt about Him. Watching the travesties done to Him pierced my heart until I had to speak for the Master.


  1. I've often thought of Joseph of Arimathea...and have been thankful for his kindness on behalf of our Savior. Such a kind and unselfish thing to do. He must have loved Jesus very much.

    1. Pam; As I read about Joseph of Arimathea, I have a new-found respect for him. I did a bit of research on him and found some very interesting information about him. I hope to verify what I read and maybe use it later. Peace and blessings on you and yours.


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